《 Tubbo 》

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Tw: Slight angst

(M/n) felt sweat drip down the side of his face as he gazed at the excited brunette before him.

"Umm...yeah?" He replied despite saying it in a questionable tone.

"I'm Tubbo, Tommy's friend!" Tubbo beamed with a wide smile.

Recognition seemed to slip onto the (H/c)ette's face.

"You're the one that Tommy talks about a lot, the boy that likes bees?" (M/n) mused.

Tubbo responded with a laugh and grin before nodding his head.

"Yup!" He cheerfully agreed.

(M/n) realized that he hadn't seen any parents around Tubbo.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but do you have parents?" He slowly asked.

Tubbo tensed up at the question and slowly shook his head, showing two animal horns on his head.

"Mum and I were left behind by papa... Mum–"

Tears welled up in Tubbo's eyes.

(M/n) clenched his teeth and pulled the young boy into a warm embrace.

Tubbo's teary eyes widened in surprise when he was pulled into a hug by the older.

"Don't speak... You have the right to cry, crying shows that you've been strong for so long. You've survived for however many years by yourself, you're a survivor and a friend to many," (M/n) whispered.

Tubbo clenched his eyes shut as tears fell down his cheeks as he hugged the older back in an instance.

(M/n) ran a hand through Tubbo's brown locks as the younger cried into his shirt.

Tubbo couldn't lie at all.

(M/n) seemed to be like an older brother figure that he could probably be able to look up to.

The sobs and whimpers quiet down as the owner gazes up at the teen with a red hue surrounding the brunette's eyes.

"Name...what's your name?" Tubbo whispered.

(M/n) responded with a gentle smile, "I'm (M/n)," he answered.

Tubbo nodded his head as he lightened his grip on the other.

'Phil is gonna be so disappointed in me, but I'm bringing in a child that shall be adopted into the family or something,'

(M/n)'s mentally sighed as what he had thought knowing that he had failed Phil in a way.

"Would you like to come and see Tommy?" The teen nervously asked.

Tubbo nodded his head quickly, "Yeah!"

The (H/c)ette gazed at the smaller one's clothes and frowned.

"We're getting you clothes first," he points out causing Tubbo to widen his eyes slightly.

"No, you can't! You've paid for the bread I stole, you can't just buy me clothes!" Tubbo exclaimed as he tried to change the other's mindset.

(M/n) clicked his tongue in annoyance and shook his head, "You can't change my mind, kiddo," he responded.

Tubbo puffed out his cheeks in annoyance but allowed the older to drag him towards a shop that was away from the normal stalls.

The brunette child looked at the (H/c)ette in silence as the two of them headed towards the small building.

A small smile slipped onto his lips.

'He's like an older brother figure...maybe even a father figure in a way.'

Tubbo wasn't going to lie at all, he was already attached to the older brother, which would remind people of a younger brother looking up to their older sibling in admiration.

"If it's not rude, is it okay if I asked where you're from?" Tubbo nervously asked.

(M/n) went silent for a few seconds before sighing.

"I'm from the nether," he answered, glancing at the shorter in the corner of his gaze.

The brunette's eyes widened in surprise, "Really!? You're like Techno then, he's from the nether too!" Tubbo exclaimed with excitement.

"He's a pig brute that's able to turn into a human, right?" The teen asked.

The brunette nodded his head and hummed.

"Wait, if you came from the nether, wouldn't you be some part of the mob too?" Tubbo asked with excitement.

(M/n) gave a fake thoughtful look on his face before nodding.

"Gimme a hint, please!" Tubbo urged on with excitement.

"I'm resistant to fire," the teen replied.

The duo entered the clothing store and stuck together so that the younger didn't get lost.

"We have a ghast...magma cube, blaze, those pig things, and I think a strider?" Tubbo mumbled as he looked through the multiple racks of clothing.

The (H/c)ette smiled a bit, "You're correct on one of those guesses, but you won't figure out until you're older," he states.

Tubbo responded with a pout.

The brunette's eyes landed on blue overalls that went to the length of his knees.

A small little bumble bee was decorated on it.

His hands reached out and picked it up off the rack.

"Did you find anything that you like?" (M/n) spoke up from a rack or two to the left.

"Yep!" Tubbo cheerfully replied and turned towards the teen.

The brunette turned towards the other and gasped.

(M/n) was holding up a yellow and black striped long sleeved t-shirt along with a pair of black shoes and a pair of normal blue jean shorts.

"I want them!" Tubbo confirmed.

The teen gave a breathy chuckle and nodded his head, picking up the overalls and heading over to the register to pay for the clothes.

Tubbo skipped over to the store's entrance and looked out through the window that showed what was going on outside.

His eyes watched as people pass by the store with loud bantering and chatter leaving their lips.

He lifted his hands up to his arms and hugged himself as jealousy flooded through his body.

The brunette felt jealous of kids that still had parents with them.

Tubbo's eyes went dull for a few seconds until a hand was placed onto his shoulder.

"Tubbo?" A voice spoke up causing Tubbo to snap out of his thought process.

Tubbo looked at the teen in confusion and saw how the clothes were in a bag and all paid for.

"Are you ready to go?" (M/n) asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah," Tubbo answered.

The older nodded his head and the two left the shop, heading back to the entrance of the market area.

The dirty blonde male stayed on a nearby tree and grinned.

'A hybrid, huh? And a fire one at that, but his height reminds me of another mob too, hmm, I'll pay those two a small surprise.'


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