《 Hunting With Ranboo 》

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Black and white locks bounced upwards as their owner peeked over a bush with a look of excitement when they saw a fluffy white rabbit right beside the rope trap.

"Look! Look!" Ranboo whispered out, pointing at the rabbit with a look of awe.

The (H/c)ette popped his head up a bit to look over at the trap and the rabbit before grinning.

"Perfect, now we have to wait for it to step into the trap," the teen murmured.

The duo ducked down behind the bushes as the rabbit started to look around before stepping onto the trap.

Rope wrapped around the creature's paw making it cry out in both shock and fear.

Ranboo quickly stood up and ran up to the trapped bunny to kill it.

"Thank you very much for this," (M/n) whispered out as he got out of the hiding spot.

A caw captured the teen's attention making him look up and saw a very familiar crow.

"Where's your murder, Chat?" The (H/c)ette asked with a raised eyebrow.

Chat, one of Phil's main crows', tilted their head.

"They're worried, huh? Right...give them this," the male murmured as he tied the small coin pouch around the crow's leg.

Chat cawed lightly as it went flying off to go and tell Phil that the teen was alright.

"Who was that?" Ranboo asked with excitement as he carried a rabbit in his hands.

"A friend's partner, that there was Chat," the teen answered.

Ranboo nodded his head before showing the rabbit, "Look! We caught a big one!" He said with excitement.

(M/n) smiled softly as gave the young boy a head pat.

Ranboo beamed at the silent appraisal that the other gave him.

"Then let's continue to hunt!" Ranboo huffed out with a look of happiness crossing his face.

The teen watched as Ranboo waddled away in the snow, trying his best not to trip in it.

A small snicker of amusement left the (H/c)ette's lips as he followed after the younger.

Happy humming left Ranboo's lips as he continued to carry the rabbit despite dragging half of it on the ground.

(M/n) listened to the humming the other vocalized and gazed up towards the sky.

'I hope that you guys are alright.'

Phil could be seen gazing at the crow that had landed on his extended arm with (M/n)'s coin pouch.

A look of relief slipping onto his face as he heard the report that Chat gave him.

(M/n) was safe and sound, for now.

"He's taking care of a child? Mate–" the blonde started laughing hard.

Tommy, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Techno poked their heads out from behind the door and gazed at the older as if he had finally lost his mind.

"Is he okay?" Tubbo nervously asked.

Phil looked over at the kids and gave a reassuring smile and nod.

Relief filled throughout all the kids when the man confirmed it.

"Shouldn't we go and find him? I mean, he is one of us," Wilbur questioned.

"Chat told me he was taking care of a child around Tubbo's and Tommy's age, so he'll be out for a while," Phil replied.

Pouts were the only things he received from the children.

"I think you should warn him about Jschlatt, send him a message," Techno mumbled.

Phil sighed and closed his eyes knowing that the pinkette was right.

Jschlatt, or just Schlatt, was a well known man that went a bit crazy for his protein powder and hybrids.

Hybrids were like a prize to him despite himself being a ram hybrid.

Schlatt had rumors around-the-clock about him searching for hybrids to kidnap and train as his puppet.

He was also a man that wanted to grow power onto him quite quickly.

"Right, I'll send him a letter after we all eat," Phil replied, making Techno nod his head.

The group of kids along with Phil had seen what their gifts were and was a bit surprised that the (H/c)ette was really thoughtful about them.

Wilbur grabbed onto Techno's wrist and pulled him over to the staircase.

"I know you lied."

Ranboo picked up another white rabbit he had just recently killed due to the fact of it getting captured in another trap that he had settled up.

"Looks like we got dinner for tonight," (M/n) approved.

Ranboo grinned widely as he went up to the other, "Really? Yay!" He cheered.

A squeak left the heterochromia child's lips as he felt himself get placed onto the other's back.

(M/n) chuckled softly as he felt arms wrap around his neck.

Ranboo stuffed his flustered embarrassed face onto the (H/c)ette's left shoulder.

(E/c) eyes looked over his shoulder and saw that the younger had fallen asleep within a few seconds.

'Poor kid, he must've been so tired.'

Looking ahead, (M/n) took the two rabbits into one hand while holding up the sleeping child.

"I'll let him sleep for a bit until dinner is done, he's a growing boy after all..." the teen whispered as he started their journey back to Ranboo's house cave.

Techno's body froze as he gazed at his twin that was currently giving him a small glare.

"You lied to (M/n), you didn't think that I wouldn't over hear?" Wilbur asked.

"Wilbur–" Techno was cut off.

"Orphans, Techno, orphans killed our parents. The voices killed a second family, not ours," Wilbur huffed out.

Techno lowered his head in shame.

The brunette sighed in disappointment as his shoulders slumped.

"You should tell him the truth, but take your time," he states.

Techno just responded with a head nod.

Wilbur left the room so that Techno could think.

The pinkette glanced over at the skeleton animal skull before placing his over his head.

The skull hid the top half of his face.

Clenching his fists, he turned towards the window that showed the outside world.

'I'm sorry, (M/n), I hope that you can forgive me for lying to you.'


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