《 We'll Get Your Memories Back, Dad 》

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"A way to get my memories back?" (M/n) finally asked, a faint but noticeable accent was being heard leaving between his lips.

Ranboo nodded his head quickly, "Yeah."

The (H/c)ette sighed heavily, "I really don't know if those are possible."

Ranboo pouted a bit, "Doesn't mean we can't try."

"True," (M/n) agreed.

Ranboo gazed into the pond with a gentle smile appearing on his lips.

"So, how old are you now?" The (H/c)ette asked, looking over.

"I'm Tommy's age, actually, but I'm older than him," Ranboo answered with a thoughtful look.

"Mmh," (M/n) hummed out.

"Wouldn't you be like twenty-one, nearly twenty-two years of age?" Ranboo asked with a questioning look.

"Yep," the (H/c)ette agreed.

'Which means I was about seventeen or eighteen when I got kidnapped and lost my memories.'

The salmon swam peacefully through the pond, ducking their bodies into grass before popping back out.

"We should be heading back to L'manberg, Tubbo is gonna be worried," (M/n) explained as he got up onto his feet.

"Yeah," Ranboo quietly agreed as he got up onto his feet as well before following after his father who made sure he wouldn't get lost by staring at the beautiful area in awe.

(M/n) allowed the teen to head out first before following behind him.

"So what have you been doing all these years?" The (H/c)ette asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Looking for you," Ranboo softly answered.

(E/c) eyes widened a bit when their owner heard the answer from the younger one.

"You were...looking for me?"

Ranboo's eyes teared up a bit as a painful smile lifted up onto his lips as he glanced over at his father.


(M/n) stared at the ground for a few seconds, trying to figure out something.

"What did we do together?" He questioned.

This caused Ranboo to laugh a bit while opening his book to the second page as he read it.

"Um, flower crowns, hunting, humming lullabies, and a few other things," Ranboo answered.

The (H/c)ette nodded his head with a thoughtful look on his face.

(P/n) gazed at the duo doing a son and father bond, quietly.

They didn't want to disturb them as they got up onto their back.

"How do you plan on getting my memories back?" (M/n) mumbled out.

Ranboo frowned a bit as the two of them started moving on horseback.

"I don't know, but we'll find a way. We'll get your memories back, dad."

For some reason, (M/n)'s chest tightened up which confused him.

His once tense figure seemed to relax at the fact that he was called 'dad' by Ranboo.

Ranboo smiled softly as he leaned into his father's body warmth.

The heat from the (H/c)ette's magma cube side was coming in handy seeing as the wind was starting to get a bit chilly in the air.

"So, what have you been doing for these last several years?" Ranboo asked with curiosity.

"Mmh, traveling? I landed here after finding out that there was a presidential election," (M/n) answered, looking straight ahead.

(P/n) neighed a bit, shaking their head in silent disappointment.

Ranboo gazed at the horse in silence.

"Curious about (P/n)?" The (H/c)ette asked with silent amusement.

Ranboo nodded his head.

"Well, I got them when they were a foal, actually. They were abandoned by their mother because of rejection," (M/n) answered.

The black and white haired teen stared in silent awe.

Even if the man before him seemed heartless, he was still that caring and understanding male underneath all that seriousness.

"Dad, I wanna know something?" He finally piped up.

"Yeah?" The (H/c)ette questioned.

"Are you like...dating someone?" Ranboo asked nervously.

(M/n) went quiet for a few seconds.

"And why are you asking that?" (M/n) slowly questioned.

"Well, um...a man named Sapnap or something talked about marrying you one day," Ranboo answered, fidgeting with his father's cloak-hoping that the other wasn't angry at him.

(M/n) released a heavy sigh.

"No, I'm not dating anyone," he replied.

Ranboo stared at his father in silent shock.

Just who in their right mind wouldn't ask for his father's hand in marriage?

Like, seriously.

If the (H/c)ette wasn't kidnapped, then he would've been an awesome father and possible husband.

"Has anyone caught your eye?" Ranboo asked once more, feeling more confident.

(M/n) mentally groaned in disappointment, "No."

Ranboo gave a gentle hum.

"I'll probably stay single until I'm able to find a place in the world. Loving someone is like a losing game, ya know?" (M/n) points out.

"Huh, why?" Ranboo asked, confused.

The (H/c)ette gently chuckled, "Because, it'll show some weakness from you. People would use your lover or significant other as an object to get back at you."

Ranboo frowned a bit as he listened to his father's words.

(P/n) neighed softly as they stopped right beside a fence that was in the newly formed L'manberg.

"We should go talk to Tubbo, well more like you, but I'll be with you."

Ranboo sweatdropped at his father, shaking his head with a soft laugh leaving his lips.

"Oh shush, we're not really that close anymore because of what Techno and I did," (M/n) grumbled.

Ranboo's eyebrows furrowed.

"What did you two do?" Ranboo questioned.

(M/n) gave a serious look towards the younger.

"Ranboo, I helped in destroying the old L'manberg with Techno and Wilbur's help."

Ranboo's eyes shrunk in horror.

His own father had destroyed the old L'manberg.

Which is where the new buildings now stood at.

His hands fell to the side, clearly in disbelief seeing as he didn't write it down in his journal.

"You...blew up a nation?" He asked with a shaky breath.

(M/n) looked away as he tied (P/n) up easily with a lead near a fence.

"I'm an anarchist, Ranboo... Power corrupts people."


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