Chapter Twenty Five

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Dedicated to @beautieandthebeast

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Dammit, dammit, dammit. Why did Mike have to like me?

I was already confused with Blake, but now Mike? Ughhhh.

Once I finally got off the elevator, I ran to the suite. I opened it, and thankfully nobody was there. I ran towards the fridge, took out all of the food I liked, and plopped onto the plush cherry couch.

"I deserve this," I said to myself as I turned the TV to HBO. Mockingjay part 1 was on, so I decided to watch that. I munched on some kettle popcorn and drank a 7-up.

About an hour into the movie, I decided to call my parents.


"Hi mom. It's Lei."

"Hi sweetie! How is everything? I'm glad you called."

"It's pretty good. I'm in Hawaii right now."

"Wow. That place must be really rich or something."

"I know! It's crazy. How are you and dad?"

"Um, we're doing okay. He broke his leg fixing the roof. I kept telling him over and over, 'call someone!' But he's the fixer upper we know and love."

"That's typical dad. Anyway, have you talked to the Hemingway's lately?"

"Oh! Oh my gosh, you don't know?"

"Don't...know what?"

"The Hemmingway's are in Hawaii too! You should tell Blake about it!"

Holy crap. This was perfect.

"Hey mom? I'm gonna have to call you back later."

"Alright, hon. Talk to you soon!"

I hung up the phone and smiled in triumph. This was perfect for a prank.

I turned off the TV and put away the food I was eating. I had the perfect plan to embarrass the hell out of Blake. Time for a little phone call.

* * *

It was finally breakfast the next day. Last night...well, this morning, the girls decided to come back to the suite. Drunk as hell.

I obviously was glad I didn't drink my ass off, because I was too excited for my plan to get Blake back. Sure we pranked the guys already, but this was personal.

Everyone gathered at the table, and were moaning and groaning about their hangovers. I sat there humming to myself and eating my pancakes when suddenly the groaning came to a stop. I looked up to find the whole gang staring at me.

Finally, Elliot spoke up.

"What's made you so happy? Get laid or something?"

I cringed and shook my head. "No! Just didn't drink my life away, that's all."

Whoa. Where'd I get that attitude from?

"Well, well, well, little ole' Lei's growing a back bone," Mike smiled. Everyone chuckled, and groaned afterward. I made the tiniest of smiles, feeling awkward as ever.

Before anybody said anything else, we all turned to an excited scream coming from behind Blake. And there it was.

"Ohh! Blake, it's so good to see you!" Blake's mom shrieked as she hugged the life out of him.

Since the restaurant was completely filled with young people, everyone chuckled softly.

"Now, honey, you're crushing your son." Mr. Hemingway said from behind her.

Once she finally let go, Blake gritted, "What are you doing here, mom and dad?"

"Oh just wanted to visit our favorite son." Mrs. H smiled.

She turned to all of us and gasped. "Hi everyone! I hope you remember me, Blake's mother of course. I see there's a few more new people too. Hi Lei!"

"Hey," I smiled brightly. Blake's parents could be a little loud sometimes, so that's exactly why I called then to come over and embarrass the hell out of Blake. Of course I didn't say those exact words but... you know.

Blake looked at me and narrowed his eyes. He mouthed, "Did you do this?"

I shrugged and chuckled.

Soon, the gang started to get the hint that this was all set up by me. Carly air high-fived me as the Hemingway's shared Blake's baby pictures, even to people at other tables! Like I said, they can be loud.

"Well, we had a good time talking to you all, but we have to get going. Blake, honey, I got you something for your vacation," Mrs. H smiled as she dug in her floral purse. Did I mention that they looked exactly like the stereotypical tourists?

She finally found what she was looking for, and set them on the table. We all gaped at the boxes of condoms sitting on the table. I did not plan that.

"Don't look at me like that! You need protection! Hey, if any of you youngsters want a condom, come over here! Bye sweetie!" His mom kissed him on the cheek and left a giant lipstick mark.

The whole restaurant went back to their usual chatter, leaving us all sitting there in silence, mouths slack.

"Wow," Carly spoke up, "that was..."

"Embarrassing," Sophie finished.

A guy our age came up to the table and asked Blake for one of the condoms. "Hey, dude? Do you mind giving me a couple of those? My girlfriend, Chinagorom, and I wanted some. That's her over there." Chinagorom gave a small wave and smiled. She had a cool name. Blake gave him all the boxes. That's when we realized what just happened, and burst into laughter.

"Oh my...oh my gosh! That was so hilarious!" Emily squeaked out as she laughed.

I clutched my stomach, and laughed even harder when I saw Blake blushing.

He made eye contact with me and shook his head. He mouthed, "watch out."

Ooh. I'm so scared.

* * *

Holy mackerel. Wait what? I sound old.

Lei definitely forgot about Mike's maybe crush on her with that prank.

What would've happened if you were in Blake's shoes? Would you get back at Lei?

Song~ Pay No Mind by Madeon. Love that song.


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