Chapter Twenty Six

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"Leighla, Leighla, Leighla. You just made the dumbest mistake of your life," Blake said to me as soon as the gang parted.

We all decided to have a fun day, to go shopping, eat lunch, and meet up at the movie theater. Well guess what? As part of Blake's "revenge", I had to spend all day with him doing who knows what.

"Ugh, you're so dramatic. It was just your parents!" I rolled my eyes, but on the inside I knew it was great. I mentally high fived myself.

"Well, that's just too bad. C'mon, we have a long day ahead of us," Blake said as he started to walk away.

"You seriously think I'm gonna go with you?" I scoffed as I crossed my arms.

"No, I know you're coming with me. Now, let's go."

I sighed and thought for a second. "Wait," I stopped him again.


"Um, well, I need to use the ladies room. You know, us girls with their per--"

"LALALALA, alright, I get it. But I'm coming with you." Blake replied quickly as he covered his ears.

He followed me into the hallways where the restrooms are, and stopped at the door. I smiled a phony smile at him and pushed my way in.

"Shit," I whispered as I scoped through the empty bathroom.

I finally looked up and spotted a window. Tiny opening, but I thought I could fit.

"Yes, thank you," I smiled at the ceiling.

I stepped onto the sink, and held onto the window frame. Thankfully nobody came in as I struggled to wiggle out of the small window. Totally cliche way to get out of something, but totally worth it.

I sadly climbed through head first and fell 3 feet onto the ground. I groaned, and popped back up as soon as I gained my composure.

"I can't believe he fell for that," I chuckled triumphantly as I dusted myself off.

Before I was able to take a step, I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. I whipped around to face the devil himself, with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Gotcha," he winked.

"Haha, funny story--" I took off running towards the parking lot. Blake was a little caught off guard, but manage to catch me within no time. I didn't even make it to the lot.

He threw me over his shoulder and walked towards his rented car. "Nice try, Lei. You're getting faster at running too."

"This isn't funny, Blake! Can't you see that I don't want to hang out with you at all?!" I screamed.

"That's what makes it more fun!" He laughed. We reached the Dodge Challenger and he finally put me down. Seeing as I didn't have a choice, I sighed heavily and plopped into the passenger seat.

"Okay, I have a bunch of plans today. By the way, you won't like 'em." Blake smiled as he turned the ignition. Thanks captain obvious.

"You know, Blake? You always seem to piss me off more and more, and one day, karma's gonna get you so bad, you'll be on your knees." I threatened.

"Trust me, you'll be the one on your knees at the end of the day," Blake joked.

I gave him the death stare, and he backed off.


"Yeah, you better be."

* * *

"Hell no. Hell no. I am not skydiving with you Blake Hemingway. I'm not skydiving with anyone for that matter," I yelled as he laughed at me.

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