Chapter Sixteen

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"Hey Blake," I smirked.

"No, no, no, not like that!" Carly groaned.

"Oh come on, Carly! Why are we even doing this?" I groaned back. We were practicing on how tot talk to Blake, which was completely pointless.

"Because, if you screw up then the plan will be ruined. You kind of hate him you know!" Opal interjected.

"Then why don't you guys do it?!"

"Okay, calm down guys," Emily put her hands up, "just let Lei be herself, just not so hateful."

"Thank you, Em."

Carly sighed and nodded while Opal scoffed.

"Fine, but if this doesn't work, then Jessi will win. This is so much work though!" Opal exclaimed as she plopped down onto her bed.

"Stop whining you guys! This plan will work, I'm sure of it," Sophie scolded.

We all sighed and nodded. This was going to be one rough day.

* * *

It was the final day of the games, and it was the surprise competition. Last year's surprise was a dance competition, and boy did the girls team win. Club dancing pays off.

Lauren told us to join the crowd by the lake for the announcement of the surprise competition. I bet it was some scavenger hunt. She acted like it was something huge, but probably not.

The gang and I arrived at the lake, and Lauren got everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Today is the finale of the competition that will last today and tomorrow. We've come up with something spectacular. We first would like to call up the leaders of the top 4 teams: Leighla, Blake, Tyler, and Jessi."

I reluctantly walked towards Lauren as the other 3 strolled along. What was she up to?

"These 4 will be heading to...Vegas!"


"What?!" We all yelled.

"That's right. The other lead counselors are just arriving there as we speak. You four are flying to Vegas for a day. You come back tomorrow evening for the team's crowning. You'll go to the W hotel to sleep and everything else.

"Make sure to pair up with someone for the day, and you switch off tomorrow. So...Blake and Lei, and Tyler and Jessi. Then, The girls together tomorrow and same for the boys. Go get packed! We'll see you tomorrow! And make sure to meet back here in one hour for further explanation of the task in Vegas."

Everyone cheered. She had to be KIDDING me. Vegas with that creep? Ugh.

As soon as the crowd dispersed, the gang ran up to me and squealed.

"Oh my shipwreck, you're going to Vegas. Vegas!" Sophie squealed.

"And since you're partners with Blake, you'll be able to go through with the plan. This'll be amazing," Opal added.

"Forget the fangirling, take me with you!" Carly pouted.

Emily laughed along while I groaned. "This is a nightmare!"

"Oh come on, Lei! It won't be that bad. You'll be too busy doing the competition anyway," Emily shrugged.

"Fine, but if anything happens in Vegas, I'm blaming all of you," I chuckled.

* * *

Of course, I was back onto a damn plane, heading to Las Vegas. Lauren explained everything we were doing there. I was of course right about the a scavenger hunt, but I was stuck in a car with Blake all day. We had to meet back at the club next to the hotel.

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