Chapter Twelve

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"You stupid bitch! Get off me!" Mona screamed at me after I pulled her off, "let me at her!"

"No Mona! Stop it!" I screamed back.

Nicole was lying on the dirt track wiping her bloody nose. And mouth. And forehead.

Mona's eye was slightly dark, and she had a couple of scratches on her arms from Nicole trying to defend herself. I have no idea what the hell got Mona to do that shit.

"Mona, Mona, listen to me. What you did WAS NOT--"

"Save it, Lei. That whore deserved every hit she got."

Everyone jogged over to where we were, including a seething Lauren. "What the hell just happened?!"

Nicole tried to speak, "this bitch--"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT UP!" Mona screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Whoa, you need to calm down, and get to the office, NOW." Lauren barked.

Mona yelled out a string of curses and flipped off or shoved past anyone in her way. Nicole struggled to get up, and when she did, her partner took her to the health office.

Lauren pulled me over and whispered, "Did you see what happened?"

I shrugged and replied, "Only a part of it. I didn't see how it started."

Lauren nodded. "Alright. I'm gonna need you to come into the office in 20."

She turned to the curious crowd. "Any witnesses, go with Leighla to the office in 20 minutes, in a group. Everyone else sit tight, or go back to your cabins. Today's games are over."

Lauren stormed across the track and field, towards the office. She was definitely peeved.

* * *

"She literally came up to me and beat the crap out of me" Nicole winced.

"That's bull. Shit. Nicole." Mona seethed.

Nicole snapped her head towards Mona, fuming.

"Alright, alright. Lei, what did you see?" Lauren asked as she rubbed her temples.

I cleared my throat. "Um, I only saw the end. I didn't see the whole thing."

Lauren groaned, "but what did you see exactly?"

"Well, Mona was on top of Nicole punching her, but that's it. Doesn't mean Mona isn't the victim here."

Mona and I may've been in a fight, but we were best friends. We had each other's back, fight or not.

"Alright. Lei, you can leave to your cabin. As for you and you, you're both suspended from the camp until next year. We do not tolerate fights here. Pack your things, I'm calling your parents."

* * *

Damn. I couldn't believe Mona was gone, and I still didn't know how it all started. Obviously there were some dumb rumors going around. It had been a few hours since the incident, and just about everyone asked me what happened in there.

Ugh, I needed air.

I left the cabin towards the lake, and brought my swimsuit. I thought a short night swim would relieve me of my stress. After all, it was about 90 degrees at night.

I laid my large towel on the illuminated grass. The moon was bright and full, so there was plenty of light. I shimmied out of my shorts and slid out of my red flip flops. I wore my bright red polka dot bikini, but not a skimpy string bikini. Anyway, some people were still out, but we're on the far other side of the lake. It was only 8:30.

I swam a few laps and slid out onto the grass to take a short break. I scooted over to my towel to take a swig of water when I was all of a sudden lying flat on my back with weight pressed on me.

It happened so fast, my mind took a little while to process what the heck that was, or who. Once I heard him speak,my breath hitched.

"So, you really want to know why you need to worry about me, huh?" He asked huskily.

His hot, alcoholic breath was blown into my face as he spoke. His body was pressed onto mine, and since I was still a teen, those hormones were raging.

"What are you doing, Mike?" I half shrieked, half moaned. What?

Then I felt that hot breath on my neck. I was still dripping with water from the lake, but he didn't give me a chance to dry off. Once I fully processed what was going on, I gasped and tried to break out of his grip.

Mike lifted his head and chuckled. His nose dropped water onto my chest. He must've been swimming too because he was shirtless.

"Lei, I was jealous. There, I said it. I was jealous of you and Blake hanging out together, even though you hated, and hate each other. But now that I can actually have some alone time with you, I can finally show you what I mean by all this."

"What are you--" his lips shushed me before I got a chance to ask what the hell he's talking about.

Mike, I had to admit, was an amazing kisser. I had gotten used to his body on top of mine, but my brain refused to have me stay like this.

I tried to break out of his grasp, but he held me tighter. He started to kiss down my neck and I moaned. What the hell? That was NOT supposed to happen.

"Mike, stop." I whispered.

He kissed my lips again and this time I gave in. I knew how stubborn Mike was, but this was new.

"Glad you stopped struggling," Mike chuckled.

He kissed down my wet belly and undid the straps of my bikini top.

"Mike, don't," I moaned.

* * *

I gasped and sat up in a cold sweat.

"Oh my gosh," I swallowed.

After recovering from that dream, I looked around the empty cabin. Hm.

I stood up, made my bed, and finger combed through my hair. I looked out the window to see all the campers sitting down and eating breakfast. Why didn't anyone wake me up?!

Ugh. That dream was awful. Mike and I having sex?! HA!

I grabbed a water bottle and tied my tennis shoes. I decided to go out for a jog to get that nightmare out of my head. It was too soon to see Mike anyway.

Once I shut the door, I headed out for my jog.

Before I was even able to start running, Blake appeared, eating a piece of bacon.

"Hey Lei!" He chewed, "how's your morning going?"

"Why?" I barked as I put my hands on my hips.

"Just wanted to know. After all, I heard you must've had a great dream about Mike this morning."

My face was burning. How the hell did he...

"Carly told me. She thought I'd be jealous or something."

"Yeah...I'm gonna...go now," I started as I took off running.

I rolled my eyes as I heard his laughter in the distance.

* * *


How's your day? Good? Okay...

Lei and Mike huh? Almost doing the dirty dishes. Shame on them!

And Mona??? What in the frick frack?!

Well, until the next update! Song~ Begging For Thread (great for their dirty scene)


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