Chapter Twenty Eight

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I remember when we broke up, first time saying this is it I've had enough cause like we haven't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space, what?

* * *

"Well, that was probably the biggest fail yet," Blake smiled as he sipped his sprite.

We all nodded in unison. We were all in the boys' suite, which was surprisingly cleaner than ours. We were all seated on a giant circular couch with wet hair and pjs on.

We all decided to put our "differences" aside when it came to the pranking, and had some bonding time.

Blake and I managed to keep it civil for more than five minutes. I also decided that I didn't like him, and that I just had my thoughts jumbled. I hoped. Or maybe I was somehow convincing myself otherwise, I don't know. Jeez. I was only a teenager!

Anyway, Ailani gasped at her phone and jumped up and down with joy. "Guys! I totally forgot! We're going to a Luau tonight!"

We all murmured in unison when Lauren finally spoke up.

"Oh yeah, it's not even that late anyway. You guys want to go?"

We all nodded and decided it sounded pretty interesting to go. The girls and I went back to our suite to get dressed for the Luau and did our hair and makeup.

I decided to go with minimal waterproof makeup in case I got pushed into a pool again. I wore a pink and black two piece that covered most of my torso, and put some shorts and a t-shirt over it. I was never really interested in bikini's; rarely ever wore 'em. So I always decided to wear the bare maximum when it came to two pieces. Thought it was safer too.

Of course the other ladies wore skimpy bikinis that actually suited them.

"How long has it even been since we got here?" I asked suddenly.

"Like two, three days?" Mona replied questioningly.

"I feel like with all the stuff going on, it's been forever. Are we even gonna go back to the camp?"

Lauren chimed in, "Yeah just as a goodbye party. It's probably gonna be another bonfire or something."

I turned to Lauren as I zipped my beach bag up. "What do the other campers even do while we're gone?"

"They get the party going, relax, play games, typical camper stuff."


She nodded and we all continued stuffing our beach bags with stuff. You know us girls.

All of a sudden the guys Bursted into our suite. Did they even know what the word "knock" meant?!

"Hey chicas, time to partay hartay!" Elliot announced happily.

"Knock knock," Carly said.

"Who's there?" Elliot dumbly replied.

"Exactly. That's what you're supposed to do you dopes!" Opal finished for her.

"You guys, I thought we had a whole bonding thing going on!" Lauren chimed in.

"Let's just go to the damn party," Carly said urgently.

* * *

"Welcome to the Luau!" A woman smiled happily at us. We all waved to her, and Ailani did some weird handshake thing with her. I thought only guys did that.

Anyway, we were introduced to lots of friendly people and we fit in pretty well. I met a few people on my own, and the whole party was like a family reunion.

Actually, I think it was a family reunion. Either that, or Ailani was just really popular. A lot of people looked like her, and I knew that some were her brothers and sisters.

Everyone was spread out, swimming, playing all kinds of games, and eating. Guess which one I was doing?

As I munched on some chips, I saw Emily motioning me towards her.

Once I reached her I asked, "What's up?"

"Okay, I know the last game that you played didn't go so well, but why don't you try again?" Emily replied carefully.

"What do you No, no, no I am not playing spin the bottle again! They can shove that bottle up their--"

"Leo! Come on! It's not even spin the bottle! It's a mixture of games just using a bottle."

As Emily pulled me I protested. "Those games are for hormonal preteens!"

She plopped me down on the sand next to her in the giant circle of people and waited for her turn.

When it finally reached Emily's turn, she spun the bottle as hard as she could so it would take longer to choose someone. We all eagerly watched as the bottle slowed to a stop on Elliot. These were the craziest coincidences.

Hey, I know I didn't want to play, but this was entertainment. You go, Em!

"Truth or dare?" Some chick named Sarah asked Elliot.

"Dare," he smirked.

"Okay, go away with Emily for 7 minutes. Proof please," she replied. It was funny how simple people said things here. She didn't even have to explain much at all for us to all get the hint.

Although it was dark, I bet both were blushing tomato red. Especially since David was right next to Elliot. Fuming.

* * *

So, how'd it go?" I winked at Emily after 7 minutes passed. They went out by the beach to do their business, and knowing both of 'em, they probably just made something up.

"It was beautiful. We walked along the beach and held hands off into the sunset," she joked.

Everyone chuckled, but not so much David.

Oh lord. It was my turn. I spun the bottle reluctantly and guess who it landed on with my shitty luck?

* * *

Muahahaha. Cliff hanger!!!

Dejavu, eh? My phone autocorrected "dejavu" to ejaculation. Should I be worried?

Song~ Imperium- Madeon

We've reached a close in our Madeon marathon!


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