Chapter Thirty Six

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"Um, hi Lei," Darren waved sheepishly.

Before I was about to answer, Blake stepped in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" He gritted.

Darren stuttered that he was here to visit and we were clearly busy so he'd come back another time.

Before Blake decided to chew him out for an unknown reason, I pushed Darren back and closed the front door behind me.

"What are you doing here, Darren? Really?" I crossed my arms.

Darren Jackman had gotten better looking over the years, as did everyone, but he looked decent actually. Brown hair styled to perfection and he wore a nice button up shirt and black jeans. Of course he had muscles.

He smiled with his pearly whites and gave me a hug. "I'm really sorry for what happened all those years ago. Now I can see why you have so many problems with Blake."

I didn't hug back, and I slowly pushed him away. "What do you mean? You weren't the cause of our fighting, Darren. We were already having problems and we just never seemed to get along. It honestly had nothing to do with you."

His smile faltered a little, but he gained his composure. "Lei, I know you're over everything that happened, but I want to be with you. I--"

My loud laugh (yes it's hereditary) stopped Darren's rant. "Darren. What's up with you? I haven't seen you in years, so what makes you possibly think that I want to all of a sudden be your girlfriend?"

He was seemingly taken aback at this, and fidgeted with his words as I tapped my foot impatiently. All of a sudden, he grabbed my face and gave me the biggest smooch on the lips.

I pulled back immediately, slapped him in the face and walked away. What stopped me was the front door bursting open, and an extremely furious Blake storming out.

I grabbed his shoulder, yanked him back, and gritted, "What the hell do you think you're doing? I don't need your protection, Hemingway."

He yanked his shoulder away from my hand and stormed towards Darren. I didn't even try to stop Blake from taking the first punch, knowing I wouldn't be able to stop them anyway. I sat on the steps and relaxed as I watched everyone else rush out to stop the fight.

Blake and Darren rolled around and punched each other a few times here and there, while shouting very colorful things at each other.

Was it really screwed up for me to just sit there and watch this fight go down? Hell no it wasn't! Why would I care if my enemy and forgotten date fought for who knows what? I watched as Mike and Jacob pulled Blake while Opal and Anthony pulled Darren away.

Anthony held Darren back while Opal told him very fiercely that he needed to leave. Darren glared at everyone and walked to his parked car without sparing me a glance. He wiped his bloody nose and felt for his black eye.

Darren turned back to Blake and yelled, "This isn't over, Hemingway. Watch out."

If there were a contest for the most confused person ever, I'd have won. Why would they all of a sudden just brawl in my front yard like that like a bunch of wild animals?

Everyone calmed down, and Mike pushed Blake towards me. "Since you just sat there and relaxed, why don't you do us a favor and clean this jackass up? You'll have the honor of paying us back for that prank."

I gave him the finger and he smirked at me. "Everyone else seems to agree."

I looked around as everyone nodded. I groaned and pulled Blake to the bathroom upstairs. I muttered to myself about how Carly and Sophie were apart of it and that Blake was too much of a sissy to clean himself up.

I closed the door behind me while he took a seat on the large counter. I grabbed the first aid kit and took out the contents pretty vigorously.

He chuckled. I glared at him and poured a large amount of peroxide on a cotton pad.

I pressed it to his face as he hissed. "Oops," I sneered. I continued to enjoy myself as he hissed and grunted in pain from the alcohol all over his face.

"It's your fault you got into a fight with Darren in the first place."

"Doesn't mean I have to get hurt more," Blake grunted.

I pressed harder on Blake's scratched fist as he whined in agony. That peroxide was definitely a weapon.

I looked up at him and made a small smile. He didn't smile back, but watched me curiously. I inched closer and closer to his face, looking him in the eye.

Blake squeezed his eyes shut as soon as the peroxide covered cloth was pressed against his chin.

"You have really sensitive skin, Hemingway," I smirked. I grabbed his cheek and pinched it until he squeaked for me to stop. I softly slapped his sore cheek and chuckled.

While I was still inches away from Blake's face, I remembered the plan that the girls and I made back at camp. To get to him.

I decided to personally restart that plan by kissing the now red area. I pulled away to an even redder Blake staring at me with disbelief. I knew I was supposed to be with Mike, but none of that mattered once I told him my real feelings.

All of these thoughts swarmed in my head like bees in a beehive.

What if this so called "plan" was just a facade, Lei?

What if you actually do like Blake, huh?

Stop fooling yourself, Lei. You're in love with your enemy--

My thoughts came to a halt when I decided to change the subject and talk to Blake again. "So why did you get into a fight with Darren today?"

Blake stared at me for a few more seconds before gaining his composure and letting me bandage him.

"Personal problems," he answered simply. I raised my eyebrow, but shrugged it off. I'd have found out sooner or later.

"Okay you're all done. Don't get into another fight, cause you'll have to find someone else to tend to you," I joked as I cleaned everything up. I set the first aid kit back in its place.

Before I turned to leave, Blake grabbed my arm and spun me around. He grabbed my face and gave me the most passionate kiss I've ever had.

I was completely taken aback by his sudden movement but a small part of me knew this was going to happen.

I slowly melted into the kiss until someone opened the door.


That voice was too familiar to be ignored.


* * *

I got you guys a gift. Did you guess? Well you're right; another cliffhanger!

Song~Kiss Kiss by Chris Brown, for the 2000's.


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