Chapter Thirty Two

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Mike was so taken aback at this, he moved away from the door and sat on the bench next to the sink. I made no move to leave, wanting to know his answer to my stupid question. It just sort of...came out.

He stared at my fidgeting state for what felt like the longest time, until finally he sighed and answered with an "I don't know."

As anxious as I was, I decided to blab a million apologies and that it wasn't ever meant to come out like that. He interrupted me by asking about the Devil himself.

"I thought you and Blake were starting to get closer, honestly. I really didn't expect you to say this to me."

I grimaced at his thought and shook my head. I decided that I was just "infatuated".

"Mike. What if I am? I just feel like this whole thing will ruin our friendship and...I just don't understand."

He stood up and surprisingly hugged me. Mike rubbed circles on my back as I sighed. We let go and looked each other in the eyes.

"Lei, I don't think you're in love with me. And, I'm 100% not in love with you, but I know there's something there with you. I don't know, it's just--something."

I frowned half-understanding what he meant. Did he like me? Was I going too far with the whole "love" idea?

"Do you want to actually go on a date?" Mike asked suddenly. "You know, just to make sure?"

I nodded. "I think we should tell everyone about our prank. Just not about this whole thing."

"Should we leave?"

"Yeah," I replied.

* * *

"You did what?!" Opal screeched the next morning as I cringed.

"Oh come on, Opal. It was pretty obvious they were faking it. I mean no real couple would be eating each other's faces every time someone walked by," Carly rolled her eyes.

I turned to her. Although I agreed, I was sorta shocked. "You knew?"

"Eh, I figured."

Sophie chimed in. "So, you're not dating Mike?"

I shrugged. "It's a little complicated right now. We made this pact that we didn't like each other, but things changed."

"And in good time too! I think you two should stop the games and really date!" Emily encouraged as she munched on frosted flakes.

I scratched my head. "Well, we were gonna go out for lunch to talk about things today."

The girls all jumped in front of me (including Carly) and asked a bunch of questions about my appearance.

"We need to curl your hair."

"Ooh! And lipgloss! Always lipgloss."

As Emily and Mona went through their suitcases to find me a dress (since apparently my clothes were too "boring"), and the rest of the girls did my makeup and hair, I smiled at all of them. I realized how truly good people they were.

"Thanks you guys. For supporting me through all this drama, even though I might've forced you guys into some of it."

Emily flicked my cheek. "Quit being such a sop. You know we'll always be there for each other."

All the girls agreed in unison.

All of a sudden, Mona squealed. "I found the perfect dress!"

I gasped at the yellow summer dress. "It's gorgeous!"

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