Chapter Seventeen

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"Can we get something to eat?" Blake asked, for the fifth time in the last ten minutes.

I'd been ignoring him ever since the gas station incident a couple hours ago. We still hadn't found our first clue because this nut got us lost.

"Can we--"


Blake scoffed and turned towards me. "She speaks!"

I let out a humorless laugh and kept my eyes on the road. "Blake, if you want to eat so badly, I'll stop the car and you can get out and walk."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't starving, but I really needed to find that clue.

Bacon, eggs, and milkshakes all night, just up ahead and stop to the right. That riddle on the paper was so vague, lame even. Couldn't they've come up with something more specific?

My stomach growled loudly, and Blake guffawed. I turned to see him with his mouth hanging open in an amused smile. "Looks like we're stopping!"

I groaned and gave in. We exited off of Alnite Avenue, about 20 minutes from where we last got lost.

We stopped at a red light and Blake pointed to a restaurant on the right side. I flicked my signal on and turned, parking a few seconds later at the restaurant.

It looked like one of those family owned diners, quaint and old-fashioned. I took my time getting out of the vehicle, cracking all my bones in the process. Man, that car was more cramped than I thought.

By the time I finished cracking, Blake was practically inside waving me over excitedly. I rolled my eyes and laughed, a genuine laugh at that.

We strolled inside and was greeted by a dainty waitress in her mid fifties.

"Welcome, welcome to Foster's Diner," she smiled in a slight southern accent. That was a little unusual for Nevada. Her accent was probably heavier but the Nevada-vibe lessened it. Wait, I'm starving! Stop checking out this lady! Ha.

She showed us to a booth and we happily thanked her.

"And what would you two love birds like to drink?" She asked sweetly.

I mentally gagged and said confidently, "We are most certainly not together miss."

Blake cracked up and the woman shook her head. "Denial. That's what I said about my husband."

I nodded slowly and we ordered our drinks.

Once our waitress came by, who of course was another young woman, she handed us our drinks and took our order.

"What would you like, sir?" She purred, practically sitting on our table. Her back was literally facing me. He ordered and flirted with her. Was he really that desperate?

She faced me and pursed her artificially plump lips. "What would you like?"

"I'll have hash browns and 7 strips of bacon," I smiled.

Of course she had to make a snarky comment and said, "Isn't that a little too much for your figure?"

"Isn't that a little too much Botox for your face?" I fired back.

She gritted her teeth and stomped back to the kitchen.


I turned towards an amused Blake. I was surprised he wasn't mad this time.


"You must really be jealous," he replied, holding in his laughter.

"Go to hell!" I barked as he laughed hysterically.

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