Chapter Eight

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After I climbed the nearest tree, which was also really high, I watched a few people run by.

I checked my watch, and it read 4:20. Damn. I was in that tree for two hours already.

Before I decided to just climb back down, I heard a rustling sound. Holy crap, it's Elliot, Blake, and Jacob. I took my pistol out and loaded it with paintballs.

"Dude, that guy was insane!" Jacob laughed, "Did you see him? He went nuts at the cornucopia!"

I smiled at Jacob's boyishness. Too bad I have to shoot him.

I click my pistol on, but drop my water bottle in the process. "Shit!" I whispered.

Blake stopped in his tracks. "Blake? Bro, what's up?" Elliot asked.

"Did you hear that?" He asked Them both.

"Nope," Elliot shook his head along with Jacob.

I had to shoot. Blake ready heard something, and if it's one thing I learned from knowing him, if he heard something, he didn't let it go until the source was found.

I looked down slightly. They were right below me. I aimed my gun at the guys and pulled the trigger. The paint ball exploded onto Elliot's back, and I shot two more to make his vest buzz.

He fell on the ground as Blake and Jacob frantically looked around.

"Dude, dude, look. Someone's up there," Jacob pointed towards the tree next to me. Oh my gosh. It was Mona.

She smirked at me as she aimed her gun towards me. I quickly took out my paint grenade and chucked it right across the tree, right at her stomach. Damn, I had good aim.

The paint splattered all over her, sending her tumbling down the tree. She caught the branch at the last second, and jumped the rest of the way down.

"Mona?! How the hell did oh get hit?!" Blake asked.

"It was Lei. She's up there." Mona pointed right at where I was camped out.

"Lei?!?" Jacob and Blake screamed in unison. At our volume, anyone could've found us and took us all out.

I gathered my backpack,and jumped out of the tree.

This could've been an action movie, the way we were standing.

Blake then gained his composure and crossed his arms. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the infamous Lei."

"Well, well, well," I mimicked him, "if it isn't the douchebag Blake."

"Ouch. Save the insults for later babe, cause Carly's coming."

"I'm not your babe."

"I'm glad too. See ya, Lei."

Blake and Jacob took off running, and just as I was about to look back, I was tackled to the ground.

"What the hell, Carly!" I screed under the force of her body.

"Shh. Be quiet. Ill be right back. Stay there, or you'll get shot," Carly whispered as she stood up. She ran towards Jacob and Blake and shot them.

"Damn you, Carly!" I heard.

She came sprinting back with a huge smile on her face.

When I stood up, she laughed, "I told Jacob that Opal will find out about his plan to ask her to the camp dance."

"Camp dance? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Well, maybe because you're too busy fighting with the guys?"

"I don't need your attitude, Carly," I pointed at her chest with the pistol.

"Calm down, Lei," she chuckled. Then my vest buzzed.

* * *

So sorry this chapter was short, but it's my mom's birthday! she's driving me INSANE, so I haven't been able to get a chance to write a lot. Hope you enjoyed it!


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