Chapter Fourty

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"Lei! Hi!" Claire smiled as she gave me a bear hug. I was getting really sick of her hugs. And voice. And phony attitude.

I ironically gave her a phony smile back and asked, "What are you doing here?"

As soon as she pulled away, she smacked her hand around the air as she explained. "Oh, Blake brought me as his plus one, no biggie."

"Right," I smiled tightly.

"Well we're gonna go mingle. Nice seeing you Lei! Come on babe, lets go." Claire sang.


She's calling Blake babe? What the hell?!

Wait. No. I wasn't jealous was I? There was 100% no way I was jealous. Blake is my enemy, and I'd have liked to keep it that way.

As I thought more, I all of a sudden got thrown into Sophie's pool by Elliot. Once I came back up, I flipped him off. Well at least that did clear my mind, as I was focusing on not drowning instead.

I swam back to the shallow end, only to be picked up by Elliot and thrown back in as everyone laughed.

"Dammit Elliot! What is your problem?!" I seethed.

He didn't seem fazed at all by my harsh tone and just laughed while saying, "You need to clear your mind! Thought I'd do it for you!"

"Asshole," I muttered under my breath. I took a water gun floating in the pool at sprayed him with the high pressured tool. He covered his face as everyone cheered and laughed.

"WATER FIGHT!" Someone screamed. All of a sudden everyone was getting drenched by water balloons, guns, and being thrown into the massive pool.

I went underwater for as long as I possibly could until someone pulled me up. It was Opal.

"Wanna be allies?" She smiled. I nodded my head and we both swam on the pool floor without being detected. I saw people's feet floating in the water, and I looked at Opal. We both nodded thinking the same thing.

The game, Shark Attack.

I swam up and grabbed Carly's ankle, pulling her down as she struggled to swim back. Sure, this was a dangerous game, but it was still fun.

I let her go about five seconds later, and she yelled, "Bitch!" when I came back up. I laughed in her face and swam away before she could catch me.

Opal caught some victims too, including Tony, Jacob, and Sophie. I was able to get Carly, Elliot, and Emily.

I scanned the area underwater for more victims as everyone kept playing water wars in the backyard. It was cheating to come up and look for your victim above water. That was the most fun part.

I found a leg that was unknown, but pulled her down anyway. She screamed underwater, and after five seconds I let her go, coming back up with her.

The greatest part about this game was that it could be someone's ex, or someone's enemy, best friend, anything really.

But in this case, it was Claire. And she was furious.

* * *
"What the hell, Leighla?! Are you crazy?! You ruined my hair, my makeup, everything!" Are sobbed after we both got out of the pool. Nobody was even paying attention to our argument, and I was happy for that.

"Oh please, Claire. This is a pool party, so your precious items were probably gonna get ruined anyway," I rolled my eyes.

"You know, I don't really know what your deal is with me and Blake--no, let me finish--but if you're just out to get me because of what happened all those years ago, then all I need to say to you is to get over it."

I frowned and clenched my jaw. I gritted, "It was a stupid game, Claire. You're not supposed to find out who the person is until after. Don't you dare bring up the past again with me, got it?"

"I'm not afraid of--"

"Got. It?" I seethed. She did look a little afraid, but probably because I was ready to explode right now.

She nodded and scurried off back to the pool. Man, I needed to stay away from Carly. I was turning more and more into her!

I took a few deep breaths, and right when I was about to go to the grassy area where everyone was, I was yanked into the kitchen.

By guess who?! The Devil himself.

"Lei, what in the hell do you think you're doing?" He seethed.

I decided to give him attitude and replied, "Well, I was about to go participate in the water fight, but now I'm talking to you."

Blake gave me the look that he meant business.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend over there?" I crossed my arms.

"Lei, what's going on with you? Are you jealous or something?"

I scoffed and replied, "You should be asking yourself that! You're the one who kissed me, and invited me to your house!"

"It was a moment of weakness or something!" He defended.

"What, like I'm your weakness?"

He stuttered with his words and I smirked. Got him.

"So basically, you're dating Claire to get your mind off me, right?" I said as my smile grew.

"What? No. Stop making this about you! I wanted to ask why you decided to almost drown my girlfriend earlier!" He seethed.

"What the hell Blake? You know that game "Shark Attack". It's not like I knew! You two need to lighten up. Who even invited you and her anyway?"

"Sophie invited me, dumbass. Claire's my plus one!"

I rolled my eyes. "This isn't a ball, dumbass. This is a pool party. We're supposed to have fun. Tell that bimbo girlfriend of yours to stop worrying. You too, asshole."

Before he got a chance to say anything, I walked away. I honestly didn't want to cause any more drama then there already was.

The giant group of people in the backyard were playing a game, and I decided to join. I sat in the circle and listened on what they were about to start.

"Alright, everybody, time to play a game! Everyone get a partner of the opposite gender!" Sophie explained. Sophie was in her competitive mode, and from what I could tell, she was ready to win.

Everyone scrambled to get a partner. This felt like dejavu. I tried to look around for someone, but all who were left was Ailani's brother, and Mike.

I walked towards Ailani's brother, but he scurried off to find his sister.

Dammit. Now I had to be with Mike. He didn't seem to be too happy about it either.

I stomped towards Sophie and whined, "Oh come on! Seriously, Sophie?!"

Mike made his way over to us, and she put an arm around both of us. "You guys better get along, cause you two are going first!"

* * *

Whew. Poor Lei. Had to deal with all these people.

Song~Wobble by Flo Rida. It was the song that was playing during the party, so. Yea.


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