Chapter Fourty Five

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"What the hell do you want, Alec?" I seethed at the door.

He smirked and leaned on the door frame. The girls and I took a step back, causing him to laugh. "Oh come on! I'm not a disease! Just a hot dude saying hi is all."

"Psh, you may not be a disease, but you sure as hell carry one," Carly replied.

"Ugh. This is a waste of time. Let's go, girls," Opal fumed as she pushed Alec out of the way.

"Wait, whoa. You bitches can leave, but I want to talk to Lei," Alec smiled.

I folded my arms and replied sassily, "What makes you think I'd want to talk to you?"

"Just for a second."



"Second's over. Bye asshole."

I strut away only to be pulled back again. "Seriously Lei. I really need to talk to you."

I growled, "Seriously Alec. Talk to me later."

I yanked my arm away and walked back to my friends. "What was that all about?" Carly asked.

I shook my head and replied as we got on the elevator, "Noting important. He just wanted to talk to me. I said later."

The rest of the elevator ride was silent, and when we reached the lobby, we were greeted by a handsome doorman.

"Bonjour. Your party is at the table down the hall into the dining room. Profiter de votre dîner."

"Merci," Opal replied with a smile.

"Tu parle français?" He asked her.

"Oui. Pas me vanter , mais je suis couramment!" She replied with a giggle.

The doorman smiled and pulled her aside. "Souhaitez-vous aller à une date?"

Opal turned back to us smirking at her. She shook her head and said, "Je voudrais bien , mais mes amis sont ici. Merci quand même."

Opal walked back to us after he waved. "Okay, what the hell were you guys saying?" I asked eagerly as we walked to the dinner table.

"Well when he realized I spoke French fluently, as an American, he asked me on a date. I turned him down, 'cause he obviously only liked that I spoke French," she explained with a disgusted face.

"Well you have to admit he was cute," Sophie scoffed.

Opal shrugged. We finally reached the full dinner table, and I could've sworn this was out of a chick flick. All of the guys were gawking at us, and the other girls were glaring. Those girls were Claire, Jessi, and their friends. Lauren and Ailani were just grinning. We greeted them with hugs and handshakes.

We took our reserved seats, and thankfully I sat between Carly and Mona. One that wasn't too interested to see me here was, yup, the Devil himself. Sitting right across from me.

And guess who was next to him? Claire.

Carly must've read my mind, because she spoke up to Lauren. "Um, Lauren? What is she doing here?"

"Well since Blake was part of the camp, he was able to bring a plus one."

"Actually," Mona spoke up, "She brought him, so wouldn't that make both of them uninvited?"

"Oh you guys! Stop hating on poor 'ole us!" Claire grinned.

I rolled my eyes and felt a sharp pain on my shin. I instinctively looked up at Blake, but he was chatting with the guys.

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