Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Paris, Paris, oh how I love Paris!" Sophie sang as we walked around in the mall. Our trip to Paris was in a month, and Sophie decided to drag all of us girls to the mall. For once the girls were dreading shopping.

Sophie almost busted down my door trying to get me to leave, and to stop her from committing murder, I agreed to go with her and the gang. After that altercation with Blake about Claire, I decided to call the girls and tell them why I was M.I.A. for the past couple weeks. Mona decided to just leave me alone during those two weeks, but went out a lot more. I couldn't blame her. Who would want to be around all this negative energy all the time? So here we wee, two das later, and at the mall.

"Sophie, it's not even Fourth of July yet," Opal whined.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "We need to buy our dresses for the camp dance in Paris!"

We all turned towards her with wide eyes.

"Wait, they're still having the camp dance?" I asked. Sophie nodded, grinning.

"Well, technically it's more of a second camp dance, since we missed the first one while in Hawaii. I talked to Lauren about it, and she thought it was a great idea! That means--"

"We get to see Emily!" Opal squealed.

Carly sighed. "Opal, why do you keep squealing like that?"

"Quiet," Opal tusked.

I changed the subject to stop their bickering. "What are we gonna do for the Fourth? It's only a couple days away."

"I was thinking a BBQ or something. Maybe a pool party?" Mona suggested. We all agreed, and decided to make it a family thing. Of course the guys were coming along.

There was that little reminder in my head saying, What about Blake? What about Mike?

What about him? I wasn't gonna make a big deal about it. I was slowly getting over what happened a couple days ago, but sadly not what happened a couple weeks ago.

"Then it's settled, pool party at my place!" Sophie squealed. Carly glared at her and Sophie stuck her tongue out.

* * *

"Happy Fourth of July!" I smiled as I entered into Sophie's huge house. I set all my pool stuff down and gave her a big hug.

"You too! Come on, you have to see he decorations Jacob, Opal, and Tony set up!"

I picked up my pool bag and put on my sunglasses. Once we reached the giant backyard complete with a pool and amazing decorations. Jacob was standing on a chair, hanging up red, white, and blue streamers. He turned around and grinned. "Hi Lei! Happy Fourth!"

I waved and grinned back.

Opal and Anthony were blowing up the last of the beach balls as I walked around the pool to help. I sat my stuff down and once I got there, I almost fell into the pool from Anthony being pushed by Opal. He lost his balance and fell into the deep end, surfacing seconds later. He flipped her off as she doubled over from laughing so hard. I chuckled, but kept my distance. I didn't want to get in the pool just yet. I walked back over to where Sophie was and reached for my bag.

"I brought those CD's you asked for," I smiled. I handed them to her and she squealed. Damn, there was too much squealing going on lately. Carly was right.

Sophie put in a CD, and pressed pause. "We'll play that when more people come in. Can you call Papa John's and order these things?"

She handed me a long list of foods and drinks, from large pizzas, to Coke and Sprite.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed her home phone. As I ordered, I heard a familiar vice I was dreading to hear.

"Hellooooooo," he called out happily. I tried to order as quietly as possible, but the stupid pizza guy couldn't hear me. I eventually got frustrated and used my normal voice, a little louder and more irritated than usual.

I decided to go with the "I'm turned around, so I didn't notice you" method as soon as Mike walked passed the kitchen. I heard him pause his walking as I gritted my teeth.

"And can we get a large pepperoni with pineapple?" I asked, digging my nails into the counter.

Sophie thankfully saved me when she called Mike's name. I saw Mike smiling at Sophie from my peripheral vision and sighed in relief. He finally walked out into the backyard. I know Sophie had to invite everyone, because the were all friends too. I couldn't make it unfair just because I was having problems with one of our best friends.

I eventually finished my order, and waved to everyone else that walked by. My eyes widened at seeing Emily, Elliot, and David strolling into the house. I gave them a silent hug as I was still ordering.

Once I finished, the party was alive and getting started. Lauren, Ailani, and Lauren's boyfriend, Aaron, all arrived too. Ailani decided to bring her brother and sister, Rose and Kai. Rose and Kai were twins, which was amazing. They were an exact replica of each other, just different genders. Everyone got a chance to meet everyone, too. Jacob's sister Sandy showed up, along with Carly's two older brothers, Jordan and Kyle. Sophie's little cousin, Zak, was visiting, so he was able to keep himself busy with Opal's niece and nephew, Charlie and Katie. There were other neighbors and family there, and the party was booming. All of the parents decided to stay inside and watch TV or go out to eat at he mall. It was like a giant family reunion.

The only person missing was Blake.

I didn't exactly think of him while the party went on. Sophie started playing music through the giant speakers she was able to rent at the last minute. How she got all of these people to show up in two days? Beats the hell out of me.

Too Original by Major Lazer started playing, and everyone cheered and danced. people were jumping into the pool and playing games while others feasted on he newly delivered food.

I jumped around with Opal and Sophie, and screamed the words along with everyone else. It felt like one of those music videos where everything and everyone was dancing in slow motion, and I swear right when the beat dropped, the Devil himself and Claire walked into the party like they were the stars of the video.

I looked over at them and rolled my eyes. I wasn't gonna stop and bask in the glory of their presence. I just carried on with my dancing to the next song, Roll the Bass by Major Lazer, came on.

Those two songs were my favorite dance songs of all time, and I was glad those were included in the songs. And two assholes weren't gonna stop me from enjoying them.

That was, until one of them spoke.

* * *

Those songs are honestly my favorite dance songs of all time. el ,for right now at least.

Check 'em out, you guys might actually like them.

Songs~Too Original an Roll the Bass by Major Lazer.

While I was still writing this chapter, I accidentally pressed on publish instead of save! So, hopefully not too many people read it too early on.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I left yet another cliffhanger! Don't you just love cliffhangers?


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