Chapter Thirty Eight

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Remember when I said that it was stupid and immature to cry my eyes out over a situation like this?

Well, I was probably the biggest hypocrite right now.

"I just don't know what to do anymore!" I wailed as Blake patted me on the back awkwardly.

"Um, it's okay? There there?" He questioned.

I glared at him through my tears. He smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry, I'm just not used to my enemy crying on me."

I sat up and wiped my face. "What are we anymore? This whole summer went to shit, and it's all my fault."

Blake softened his features and rubbed my back. "Hey, don't listen to what that asshole Mike said. You weren't the cause of the emigre summer going to shit. It was all of us. Don't blame yourself, Lei."

I rubbed my temples and sniffled. "I'm just so stressed out. Mona has been going out a lot more, and I haven't spoken to anyone in two weeks."

He nodded and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Why did you kiss me that night anyway?" I asked all of a sudden. Blake tensed up slightly, but stayed silent.

I frowned. Why couldn't he answer me?

"Blake. Why did you kiss me that night?"

He fidgeted for a little while until he finally shrugged. "I don't know. I--I kissed me, and..."

Oh right. The plan.

"...I felt pressured I guess, I don't--I don't know."

I stood up and paced around for a few seconds. "Do you like me? Actually, have you liked me?"

That was the one question he actually shut up on.

"Why don't I just go so you can have time to think about it. I don't know what to do anymore, Blake. Who would've known that my biggest enemy may have a crush on me?" I joked.

That got him to crack a small smile. "Lei, I--"

Ding dong.

"I'll get that," he slightly gritted.

Blake walked towards the front door and opened it. A shrill voice got me to look over at who the surprise company was.

"Oh Blake! It's so good to see you again!"

I walked towards the familiar female voice, but I couldn't put my finger on who it was.

Blake was blocking her view as she gave him a big bear hug. I wondered who it was.

"It's been so long! How are you?" Blake smiled. Well, I guess he liked the chick.

Wait a minute. I knew that voice. And the bear hugs, those were familiar too.

Holy shit. That was Claire.

* * *

Was the entire middle school coming over to give us a visit?! I mean, first Darren, now Claire?!

Claire was the "most popular and hottest chick of eighth grade", as told by all the guys. Of course she had a crush on the "most popular and hottest guy in eighth grade", the Devil himself. That was the only reason how Blake was able to get into the intercom room to chew me out in front of the whole school in the first place. Not saying that Claire was the cause of our fighting, hell no. It was either our passion of hating each other that ignited those harmful flames, or... hat the hell am I saying? I sounded like some poet.

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