Chapter Seven

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A/N: I really gotta stop with these cliffhangers, but they're so fun! Okay, my writer's block is finally cured, so this chapter will be long!

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"Lei, never in a million years would I kiss you, for your benefit and mine." Blake let go of my face and strolled away as everyone booed.

I let out the biggest relieved sigh and collapsed to my knees after a pregnant pause.

"What the hell just happened?" Emily asked.

"I didn't kiss Blake Hemmingway, that's what happened!" I smiled triumphantly.

"Wow. You must really hate this guy. What happened?" David chimed in.

The girls and I looked at each other and laughed, "it's a loooong story!"

* * *

"Goooooood morning, campers! It's time for the annual...CAMP WARS!!!"

We all cheered and clapped as the camp counselor announced this year's camp wars.

"Now, this year's theme is going to be the most original, and frankly, I'm surprised we didn't come up with it earlier! Drumroll please...Battle of the Sexes!"

"Woooo!" Opal and I cheered.

"Now, meet with your group's lead counselor, and he or she will split you up! Have a great time!"

The gang and I hiked back up to our cabins and there sat our camp counselor. "Hey everyone! My name is Lauren, and I'll be your counselor for the next week of Camp Wars."

We all mumbled greetings and took turns shaking her hand.

"Alright, since you already know the theme 'Battle of the Sexes', you'll be split up by gender. If you make it to the finale of Camp Wars, along with another boys' and girls' group, then you'll all merge together in a big battle!" Lauren enthusiastically explained.

We split up. On my team was Emily, Sophie, Opal, Carly, and Mona. Blake's team had Mike, Jacob, Anthony, Elliot, and David.

"Good luck, you'll need it," Carly smirked.

* * *

Our first game was against a boys team full of jocks. And players. And any other "whorey" type of guy.

"Hey, sexy!" one jock named Alec smirked, "why don't you join our side?"

"Hey douchebag," Carly smirked back, "why don't you keep it in your pants? It's probably a little run down, considering all the whores you banged."

We high-fived as a chorus of guys and girls oohed at a furious Alec.

"Watch it, emo. After I'm done with you, you'll want to cut yourself."

"Hey! Can we start the damn game already, and quit with the stereotypes?!" Lauren seethed, mostly at the boys.

"Alright," Lauren calmed, "this game is called Balloons. It's a lot like capture the football. Each team will have one giant water balloon they need to defend while offense runs out to the opposite side.

"Instead of flags to wear, you have a large supply of smaller water balloons to throw, but only defense uses them. Since this game requires more than 12 people, we've invited two other teams of boys and girls to join us. And they're right on time!"

We all greeted each other and got in line. "Alright," another counselor who's name was Randy explained to us girls, "We need a team captain."

I raised my hand anxiously as did a couple other girls. "Hmmm, okay, you." Randy smiled as he pointed to me.

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