Chapter Fourty Three

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A/N: Thanks so much for the 100 followers! Love you all!
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Dammit. When would this drama end?!
The entire time during the dinner, Blake was picking at his food and I was staring at him. Actually glaring.

Mona awkwardly looked between us and the parents were obviously too absorbed in their own conversations to notice anything.

I kicked Blake under the table and when he looked up I mouthed, "Asshole."

He discreetly flipped me off and I yelled out, "Blake you shouldn't flip people off! It's mean."

"Oh that's real mature Lei! Real mature," Blake replied with as much poison laced in his voice as possible.

"You hypocrite! You just flipped me off!"

"You called me an asshole!"

"Okay, shut up! Both of you," Mona yelled and banged her fist on the table. The parents watched with surprise at Mona's sudden outburst.

"We're trying to have a nice dinner, and if you two boneheads can't stop arguing, I suggest you both get your disrespectful asses up and leave the table," she lectured angrily. She was actually scaring me a bit.

Instead of replying with a smart remark like "okay mom", I just kept my mouth shut. As did the rest of the table.

We continued eating in silence and Blake and I finished first. We both got up and left our separate ways; me to my room, and he to the living room. Did I tell you that he wasn't supposed to leave anymore? He got in some trouble for that.

About 15 minutes later, I was greeted with a hesitant knock on my door. I sighed heavily and opened the door to find the Devil himself with a very angry Mona behind him. I sat back down on my bed and sighed again. I wouldn't blame her. I'd be sick of the drama too.

She shoved him in and slammed my door behind her. I looked at him and saw that his ear was tomato red.

"Mona," he said calmly.

"I figured."

Blake sighed and sat on the pink plush carpet mat I had spread out in my room.

"Well, we're not leaving anytime soon until we talk about this," He replied softly, "Everyone's definitely fed up."

I nodded and took in the awkward silence. After a couple seconds I spoke, "How about we play 20 questions about this?"

He chuckled and replied, "Only you Lei."

"I'll take that as a yes. There's only one exception with not answering a question for both of us. You start."

"Okay," Blake thought for a moment, "Did you really sleep with Mike?"

"No I didn't. It's too complicated to explain. Why do you care so much?"

"Because I don't want you guys to ruin your friendship."

I scoffed and shook my head, "Okay let me rephrase that. Since when do you care so much?"

"Nope, it's my turn! If you were to choose between me and Mike, who would you choose?"

I blushed and replied, "I'm not answering that."

"So you're saying that there's a 50% chance that you'd pick me and a 50% chance that you'd pick Mike. What happened to being enemies?" Blake asked more to himself than me.

"Okay my turn. That day that Claire came over, and we had that whole conversation about us maybe liking each other? Why did you say all that and then just suddenly go for Claire?"

Blake stared at me and was slightly taken aback, but before he could answer, a voice in the back of my head yelled, "speak of the devil!" When Claire came bursting through the door.

"Blake! Hi! I stopped by your house to see if you were there but saw your parents out in Lei's driveway. We gotta go shopping tonight for Paris! It's coming up soon!" Claire cried happily not even acknowledging me once. Guess she was still mad about that pool party thing.

Wait, she was in my house!

I stood up and faced Claire. "I would appreciate it if you didn't just burst through my room like that, especially uninvited."

She glared at me and replied, "Narcissistic isn't she?"

"What the hell? This is my house, you hypocritical bi--"

"OKAY, let's just calm down, shall we? Claire just wait outside, I'll be there in a minute," Blake said as he came between us.

She stomped away and down the stairs while I secretly hoped she broke an ankle in those stripper shoes.

"What the hell, Blake? This is exactly what I'm asking! Why do you keep sending all these mixed signals?! One minute, you think I'm some crazy bitch, and the next, you act like you're all romantic and shit! What the hell is up with that?!" I ask loudly and cross my arms.

He shakes his head and replies, "I'm just...I don't know. Can you just wait until Paris or something?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Who says I'm gonna be talking to you in Paris?" I spit, "Just go back to Claire or something."

"Why are you so upset? Are you jealous? What's wrong with you and Claire?! Damn!" Blake stomped away with all these unanswered questions as I flipped him off behind his back.

How ironic.

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Paris was a mere two days away. Sophie decided to change it to an earlier time, because she wanted to spend at least two weeks there. School was going to get in the way of that if we left sometime in August.

That last argument I had with Blake was almost a week ago and I was extremely tired of the drama. I was tired of it the moment he knocked on my door that first night.

If I'd known that exact moment I laid eyes on his jerk face that that was going to start all kinds of drama, I wouldn't have answered that door. Not that it'd make a difference. He even said it himself that he as going to the same camp. There was no way I could avoid him.

I was thinking about all this as I packed my bag. I wanted to get ready early so I had more time to think. Not that I needed it anyway.

After packing and cleaning up my room, I was exhausted sand ready to go to bed. I was so done with the day.

I drifted off to sleep in hopes of a drama free dream.

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Sucky chapter. I got a lot going on right now, but next update will be worth the wait!!

Song~ Love Me or Hate Me- Lady Sovereign

Thank you guys for sticking with this loooong book and thanks for the 100+ followers!!!!


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