Chapter Nineteen

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I surprisingly stayed in Blake's room for a couple hours. All we did was talk about our past, and argue a little. Well a lot.

I was opening the door of my room when a hand pulled me inside. Before I got a chance to scream my head off, I spotted Jessi in front of me with a scowl on her face and her hands on her hips.

"Where were you Lei?" She asked, rather calmly.

I scoffed and moved passed her. "Why do you care?"

"Just curious."

"Oh, okay," I smiled, wanting to piss her off, "I was at Blake's room. Is that a problem?"

She growled and nudged me. "Why were you there, hmm? Just to make me mad?"

"Oh, that's funny, because I don't recall a street whore telling what to do. You're also a hypocrite, Jessi. While you were out sucking some guys--"

"Shut up, Lei. Why do you always think I'm getting some?! Are you jealous or something that I can actually get some?"

She continued, "You don't know me, bitch. You and your little friends--"

"But that's exactly it, Jessi! I don't know you, and you don't know me and my friends! That's why you shouldn't pounce on them like you've been enemies or something." I shot back.

She pointed a manicured finger in my face and demanded, "Stay out of my business, and stay away from Blake."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," I smiled cunningly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She snapped.

"It means that you're a conceited, hypocritical, jerk, for that matter. I really don't give a damn what you and Blake do, but stay away from my friends, 'kay? Is that something you can do, Jessi?" My voice rose with every word I said, and by the time I was finished, I was screaming in her face.

She seemed taken aback at that, but gained her composure. I whacked her finger away and stalked off towards the front door.

I turned back at her and smiled again, "Oh, and I wouldn't do anything in this room if I were you."

* * *

I didn't know why, but the next thing I knew, I was at a rundown bar drinking the night away. They either didn't care about my age or--well I guess that was it.

I was on my 6th shot, I think, when I looked over and saw Tyler.

I didn't giggle or anything, because I could hold my liquor pretty well. Plus, the drinks I had didn't have that much alcohol in them.

Before I had a chance to think about what I was doing, I was sitting next to him, and tapping him on the shoulder.

"Hmm? Oh, you."

"Nice to see you too, Tyler," I smiled. Okay, maybe I was a tad tipsy.

"What do you want, Lei?" He sighed.

"I just wanted to talk! What are you doing here, anyway?" I asked.

"Last time I talked to you, you kicked me in my jewels." when he saw my scowl, he finally answered my question, "Just wanted to get away from everyone. Especially Jessi."

Now that was shocking.


"Yeah. She kept going on and on about how she wanted to ruin your life or something. Should I know why?"

And that's when the talking started. We talked for a really long time, longer than talking to Blake. The weird thing was that I didn't even really know Tyler, but turned out, he wasn't always an arrogant asshole. He was actually a normal kid that liked to do boyish things.

After my conversation with Tyler was over, we exchanged numbers in case we needed to talk about something. He promised that he was gonna be nicer, but no promises. We weren't really friends, anyway. We were more like each other's therapists. That was fine with me though. One step away from being enemies at least.

* * *

"Lei. Lei. Lei!"

A huge wave of water engulfed my sinuses, and I sat up choking and sputtering.

"What the hell was that for, Lauren?!" I screamed. Once my vision cleared, a smirking Blake, scowling Jessi, and laughing Tyler were right behind Lauren staring at me.

"Just a harmless prank, Lei. No worries!" Tyler laughed.

Blake looked back and lifted his eyebrow at me, as if to ask, "you two buddy-buddy now?"

I rolled my eyes and yanked off the soaked covers. I ran a hand through my disheveled hair and turned back at them. "Can I get some privacy, weirdos?!"

That just made Tyler laugh even harder, and Jessi scoffed. "Since when are you two friends?"

"Since when do you give a shit?" He shot back.

I smiled at his come back as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, Jessi and I were out on the road. Apparently I couldn't have breakfast because I woke up so late. Jessi actually decided to be nice and drive. Fine with me.

"Okay, so--"

"Wait shut up for a second," Jessi smiled as she turned up the radio. 22 by Taylor Swift blasted through the hybrid's speakers as she sang along loudly.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I sighed. I have her an irritated look as she passed our exit. I figured out where we needed to go, but she was so absorbed in her dying-whale-like singing that she missed it.

"Damn it. Jessi!" I turned down the radio and she scowled at me. Definitely used to that look.

"You passed the exit."

"Duh. We're ditching this shithole and going to the mall."


I raised my eyebrows at her in confusion and annoyance.

"The mall? Really?" I asked in a bored tone, but was secretly happy. I loved the mall. What? I'm a girl!

"Shut up, Lei. I know you like the mall. I could tell by your clothes."

Was that a compliment?


She scoffed. "Just because we're not at each other's throats right now, doesn't mean we're besties."

"Yeah, well, then why are we going to the mall?"

"Because," she smiled, "you're getting a makeover."

* * *

Okay, this chapter was short and random, and I hated it. But, I didn't want to give too much away.

song~ 22


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