Chapter 5- Lost ✔️

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Author's Note: Hey I wanted to thank Calliope37 for giving me the idea for the chapter. Thanks! Now to the chapter- Lost...

I was sleeping when I kept hearing noises. I thought that Nick, Ms. Bee or Mr. Snooks were just going to the bathroom or something. So I just kept sleeping.

The noise kept getting louder though. What was happening? Where they partying or something? I tried to sleep through the noise.

Then I heard a piercing scream. It sounded like Ms. Bee! I got up from bed. Nah, it must be my own hallucination. I started to slump back into bed when I heard Nick.

"BEE NO!!!"I heard him yell. Ok. Now I was starting to think that this wasn't a dream anymore. I ran out of bed and rushed down to the room where they were staying.

My eyes went wide open, and my mouth hung in shock. There was a huge group of monsters there, standing around Ms. Bee, Mr. Snooks and Nick. "CLAIRE! Get out before they get to you!" They all commanded simultaneously.

I stood frozen in my spot. How did these people even get here? How did they defeat my friends, my mentors, my... My everything? I hadn't realized it until this moment, but I really cared about these guys. They were here to protect me, and I knew that they would do anything to save my life. They were like my family! Rage filled up in me.

I looked around for any weapons, or something, anything that could hurt these people. I saw a tiny dagger near the closet. I ran up to it and grabbed it. "CLA-" Nick screamed before they gagged him. I turned around and saw a knife coming at me. I quickly ducked.

Wait a minute.

I'm a Special. I have powers! I mentally face palmed at my stupidity.

I got up and threw the knife so I could get rid of it.

I quickly started to think. Which element should I use? Nature and sky were pretty useless since we're indoors. I put my hands out and took a deep breath. I made a throwing motion and imagined a fireball getting shooting out at the gang. I peeked my eyes open to see if it worked.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed. It actually worked!

One of the three people stepped forward. He held out a mirror and the fireball hit it. It reflected and started coming towards me. How did that fireball not destroy that mirror? I quickly put a water wall before me. The fire got put out.

I threw loads of water at the people, which made them get slammed against the wall. I could see a smile behind Nick's gag. I grinned. During the gang's shock time, I threw rapid fireballs at them.

The person didn't have enough time to put the mirror so it actually hit them! Oh, yeah! I was getting good! I again pushed the water against them, but one of the people ran towards Mr. Snooks and held a knife against his neck.

"Pull the water back, and don't attack. Listen to us. Or else..." He threatened putting the knife harder against Mr. Snooks' neck. A red mark appeared where the knife was and blood droplets dripped down from his throat.

I immediately took the water back. "We need your powers. Either you give your powers to us, or you live with them and your little friends die," He said.

Of course I would choose to give them my powers! I can't let my mentors, and Nick die! Though I saw Ms. Bee's eyes. I could tell she was saying, "You're more important. The world needs you. Don't even think of giving up your powers."

There has to be another way. I paused for a second and patiently thought. What should I do? I could pull the person holding the knife away with water. What if I wasn't fast enough though?

I sighed. "Do you want something else than my powers? I could bring you that," I asked them. They shook their heads. "Nothing but your powers!" One of them screeched so loud I covered my ears.

Then I started to hear voices in my brain. Repetitively, I heard it whisper,"Sky, sky, sky." What does it mean by sky? Wait! I got it! I could cast lighting to make a huge block fall on the other two people's heads!

I thought about lighting hitting the building and breaking the portion of the building that's above the two people. The building shook and part of the ceiling fell onto the two people. I suppressed a laugh.

The person with the knife started to speak. "Now your friends die! I've had enough of you!"

"Wait no! I didn't do that! I'm not even that trained! I can't even believe that I even shot a fireball!" I replied. I stopped for a second to decide whether he had believed me or not. I hoped my acting was good enough. The man turned to look down at his now dead friends.

In that moment, I started to propel water towards him. Though he threw something at me one second before I let the water come out of my hands. I felt something hit my head and I fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was him disappearing with Ms. Bee, Mr. Snooks and Nick.

I passed out.

Author's Note: Big twist, huh? Vote or comment if you liked it! Did you guys see the photos for each chapter so far? Yes, I know that the chapter is pretty short...

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