Tornadoes and Twists

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I sat by the fire I had made. I wondered. What if I was the one who was on the wrong side? I was so unsure of myself. Lulu had given up of her escape. I had her tied up good. I started to wonder about my friends. Where they in the building where I was trapped? I should have checked. Though I don't even know which building that was. All I know is that I was trapped in a room. I grabbed the sharpest piece of wood I could find and went over to Lulu. I held the wood knife against her neck.

"I want you to tell me where the building I was trapped in is. If you say anything besides the location, then you will suffer." I commanded. Lulu eyes got small and she squeaked, "It's in a building in Manhattan. I'll take you there. Please don't hurt me." She told me. I nodded. Though.. I don't trust her walking with me. So, I would awake her when we reached in Manhattan. I pulled out a sleep dart. "Don-" the girl said before she fell asleep.

I put Lulu over my shoulder and ran to the beach. Though this time, there actually were people at the beach. Great, now I can't swim away like last time. I looked around and saw a man selling kayaks. I covered Lulu up with sand (yes, I know that's weird and a bit mean, but she's sound asleep) so nobody would see her and went up to the man. Oh, and I was at the edge of the beach so nobody saw me. Everyone was in the water playing. "How much for one kayak?" I asked. "About a $100." He replied.

What?! How was I supposed to have that much money? "Is there any other way I can get that kayak?" I questioned him. "Well... I guess you could do a bit of advertising for me." He requested. He gave me a huge sign that said to come to his shop. I went around the huge beach for and hour telling people to come over and buy his boats. I ran back to the man. "May I have a kayak now?" I asked. The man nodded and handed over the kayak.

I went back to the edge and dug out Lulu. Her face was covered with sand. I put her hand over my shoulder so it would look like she was a walking with me. Nobody really notices, but I did it just in case. I tossed Lulu into the kayak, and I sat down and grabbed the paddles. I paddled and paddled all the way until I reached Manhattan.

I stepped out of the boat. I sighed. It was a really hard journey here. Man I wished that they would be no people on the beach! Then I could have just swam over with Lulu on my back. Oh well.. What's done is done. I grabbed Lulu's hands and feet and chained them up. I stuck an awakening dart in her arm.

"What? What's happening?" She said confused.
"We've reached Manhattan. Now tell me where this building is." I ordered.
"It says Imperial Shops, but if you say, 'I'm here to come serve Tornado', then the women will let you through this door. Go through the door, and there you are, in the secret rooms where we capture you." She explained.

I nodded in reply. Lulu was about to say something else, but I immediately put the sleep dart into her arm. This time, I assured that she would stay on me and nobody could grab her and go. I grew vines and wrapped her body with mine. It looked weird, but it worked. I walked around the streets towards the shop. People stared at me as I went by. "It's for a play, we are getting into character," I would reply to all the weird faces. Finally, I reached the building. I entered it and walked up to the cashier women. "I come here to serve Tornado, and I come here with an emergency. Lulu is not ok!" I lied. The women stayed shock for a moment, then opened the door. I walked through and she closed the door behind me.

I rushed through the hallway looking for the room where my friends were captured. At the end of the long hallway, I saw Tornado through the door smiling down at some people. I went closer and looked through the tiny window on the gigantic door. There, was Tornado, and all my friends. Tornado had them tied up, but Tornado, luckily, wasn't whipping them.

"Ahh.. There are you Bee, and you Snooks. My old mentor friends. You know, I am now going to be the new high mentor. I am so powerful now. You could have joined me. Now, since you didn't, you're here, locked up. So upsetting for you... Oh, and nice to see you little sailor boy. I think you'll be my first kill. I mean, you're so weak. I want to save the best for last," Tornado grinned. Ms. Bee and Mr. Snooks' eyes opened wide when Tornado walked up to Nick and untied him. "Hey, I want to be kind here. You have options. You can be on my side. You'll have a bigger title. I mean, right now, all you do is transport the specials and mentors. Nothing else. I would give you priority, maybe make you a mentor. You wouldn't have a superpower, but you would train the specials. Wanna join boy?" Tornado asked.

Nick paused. I can't believe he was actually considering to do that! I would have immediately said no. Nick smiled. He shook Tornado's hand. "It's a deal, high mentor," Nick said. Ms. Bee started to scream, "Nick NO!", but Nick came over and punched Ms. Bee. "I'm done with you!" Nick shouted in Ms. Bee's face. That's it. Ok, you can do anything, but if you even hurt my friends, then I'll go crazy. Time to do my plan.

I swung open the door. "TORNADO! Look at what I've got! If you let my friends go, then I'll give you back Lulu. If not.. Then.. I'll kill her." I threatened. I put my knife against Lulu's, who is still asleep, by the neck. Tornado took a pause. Nick went wild though. He charged at me. I stood there, still not believing what had happened. I thought of Nick as a friend. Not anymore though. I pushed water back at him, and he flew across the room. Then, I made a storm start and lighting shot through the roof. Nick fell down, crippled. "You just need some training," Tornado told Nick and he weakly smiled. Tornado came towards me, making a huge tornado around him. I started to push air to pull the tornado. This man had experience. I kept pushing though. I couldn't give up. I also had to free my mentors. After a delivered a huge blow of air and Tornado flew all the way across the long, huge room, I grew vines and broke the chains that were around my mentors.

Mr. Snooks immediately got up and used his super speed and spun around Tornado. Tornado got dizzy. Then, Ms. Bee got out her calculator sword and threw it at Tornado. Us three approached Tornado and I took my knife and held it ever Tornado. "Get ready to pay for being evil," I muttered. Though when my knife was only centimeters away from Tornado's body, Tornado's eyes turned gray and a huge tornado came and pushed us three all the way across the room. I looked through the dust and saw that both Tornado and Nick were gone. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. They nodded. "How did you find us? When did you learn to use your powers so well?" My mentors questioned. Then, I told them the whole story.

Author's Note: Big twist, huh? What do you feel about Nick? Do you think he's actually now on Tornado's side, or is he doing double agent? Write in the comments! PLEASE VOTE! Thanks if you did!

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