Bad Things To Good People

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I looked at my mentors, hoping they had some plan. "Well... We did get some clues," I started. I guess everyone was either a) tired, b) lazy, or c) clueless. Hopefully nobody was at c. That would be horrible, as then we couldn't do anything. I started to brainstorm ideas about the clues.

Well, first, it could be that "the place where it all started" means the place where the specials thing was decided. Though "where one was having fun, and it got destroyed" doesn't fit in. How could it get destroyed? The specials and mentors and everything is still going on. Maybe... The place got destroyed? No, that wouldn't make sense. The "memories had unfold" one did make sense though. The memories of making the system of specials had unfold. Two out of the three had worked. Maybe the last one isn't that important.

"Hey, I think I got an idea. Maybe it's the place where the people made the special system?" I guessed. "Umm... Claire, they made the system about a million years ago," Mr. Snooks said. Well there goes all my thinking! Nick was in deep thought, as he was as still as a statue.

"Maybe.... Maybe...." He kept repeating. Sebastien was trying, but he didn't have enough info to come up with a good idea. Ms. Bee was pressing all the buttons on her calculator sword. "Uh... Ms. Bee... A little help please," I said. Ms. Bee looked at me.

"There's something wrong with my sword, I have to fix it," She complained. I nodded. I didn't want to say it, but I was hoping that she would help. I mean, she was the one who knew most about the special and mentor stuff. Nick got up and announced, "I GOT IT! It might be the island! The island where we first took Claire! It all started there for Claire. She was having fun, but then everything got destroyed. Claire also has many memories there. It all works!"

I looked at him. The clues were all about me! How did I not understand that? How did I not figure it out before Nick? HOW?! I couldn't believe it, but we were on a mission. I couldn't cry! "That makes sense, we should go there," Mr. Snooks confirmed.

"Wait... How would we get there? You can only go there by ship," I countered. Ms. Bee looked at Sebastien. "There's two ways. One by ship, and one by flight," Ms. Bee told. Sebastien nodded. "I'll take the lead, since I can already fly," She continued. Ms. Bee flew up into the air, and Sebastien used his powers to pull us along.

After a while, I could see the change in Sebastien's face. His face was turning dim, and it looked like parts of his face were turning grey. "What's happening?" I asked and used my powers to come to Sebastien. He shook his head and said nothing. I flew to Ms. Bee and told her to look back. Ms. Bee said, "Why everyone looks fine!" Everyone thought everything was alright! Not me though. Something was definitely wrong with Sebastien.

I kept looking back at him. There were little patches of grey ash on his face. It's like... His skin was burning away! I kept going with worries. Nothing was wrong though, because Ms. Bee said so. She knew everything, as she was a mentor before Mr. Snooks. Also, she was very close to Taton. Something had happened between them that made their bond strong. When I ask her, she doesn't tell for some reason. Oh well, it's not that important.

Ms. Bee was enjoying herself, twisting and doing air flips. Suddenly, I heard a wail from Sebastien. His face had turned grey, and he was falling down. Soon, Mr. Snooks and Nick started to fall too. I used my powers to fly, and Ms. Bee already could fly, so we were still in the air. "NO!" I screamed.

Ms. Bee went for Mr. Snooks, grabbing him and hauling him up, back into the air. I didn't have much experience so it was hard for me. Using powers to carry two people is hard! I grabbed Nick, and Ms. Bee yelled, "Throw him up! I'll catch him! Get Sebastien first!" Nick looked at me and whispered, "Don't throw me up please." I shook my head and threw Nick up into the air. He screamed like a little girl as he flew up.

Ms. Bee swooped down and caught him. I dived and aimed for Sebastien, and grabbed his hand. His skin color had turned to ash, and a fear started to build up in me. Sebastien wouldn't.... No, no, he won't. No way. A pulled my fellow special friend into the air and flew to Ms. Bee.

"I told you he wasn't alright!" I shouted in her face.
Ms. Bee stared at me and said, "It's never happened before. Taton told me about it, but he didn't tell me the details. We both thought that it wouldn't happen."
"What happened though? Why?" I questioned.

Ms. Bee sighed and said, "When this happens, it means that the person is losing his or her powers. The person wasn't meant to be the special, but because of reasons he or she became one. Or, the person isn't worthy of being a special."
Wait. Not worthy? Sebastien saved us! Maybe it was because he wasn't supposed to become the special. Though why would that happen? What was the circumstance for him becoming the special? WHY?

I looked at Sebastien. His face was lifeless. Suddenly, a voice started to speak in my head. If you ever want Sebastien to live, you must bow down to me and surrender. Who was that? Wait a minute... TORNADO! He must have forced Taton to remove Sebastien as a special! I had to surrender. I couldn't just let someone's innocent life be taken away because of some evil mastermind. I knew it was the right thing in my heart. Though something kept nagging me.

"Don't do it Claire. If you do, then the whole world will go into peril. Would you rather save Sebastien and let the WHOLE WORLD suffer? Or will you let Sebastien be and let the world thrive?" A voice spoke. I looked and saw the Mr. Snooks had been in my mind the whole time.

"It's just that... He's a special. He deserves to be with us, and he's saved us so many times. He's like... Family. I bet you, Mr. Snooks, if it were Nick that needed saving, you would do it no matter what. He's my best friend. I can't just let him go just like that," I sternly replied. Mr. Snooks looked at me. "Just... Think about ok? I don't want you to do this, but if you think it's right thing, then do it. I stared into Mr. Snooks' eyes. "I'm sorry," I said. "Tornado, I surrender," I confirmed.

Tornado laughed wickedly in my mind. He told me to go to the ground and touch it and say let it be. I took one last look at my mentors, a bit of sorrow in my eyes. This was it. I was going to do it. I flew down, and landed on the ground. I touched the ground with my hand and said, "Let it be." A huge invasion came into my mind. Tornado smiled at me in my mind and announced, "I control you now!"

Author's Note: OH NO! Claire's mind is now officially controlled by Tornado! That's bad... What do you think will happen next? Also, I wanted to say- WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 1,000 VIEWS! Come on! Just a a little bit more! Anyways, please VOTE AND COMMENT! Let's get to 5 votes and 5 comments.

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