Mind Control Horrors (1k views!)

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Author's Note: YAY! 1k views!!! New chapter cause of it, also a cute picture!!! The picture for the chapter is basically the cover so you already see it. In its place, there'll be a photo of- A POWA BEAR! Thanks peoples! I can't believe it! 1k VIEW!!!!😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 Ok. I need to calm down now... Anyways... To the chapter- Mind Control Horrors-

I looked through my eyes and saw a whole different world. My eyes became Tornado's eyes, and all I saw was people I could hurt. I was stuck, and now Tornado controlled who I was. Tornado stared at me and laughed, "Ah, what a pleasure. Seeing one in pain is so pleasing to me. Now, I want you to go and tell the others that you defeated me and that your mind isn't controlled. While you do that, I'm going to force Taton to remove Mr. Snooks' mind reading powers."

I tried to fight it, but my body walked up to the others. Mr. Snooks went up to me and said, "Did you make the right decision?" I nodded. I told him that I defeated Tornado and forced him to stop Sebastien from fading away. Ms. Bee stared at my eyes. "We can't risk it. Tornado might be controlling her. If she is Claire, remember that you are the special. You can fight him," Ms. Bee warned.

I looked straight into my mentor's eyes and said, " I'm not controlled." Ms. Bee looked at Mr. Snooks. Mr. Snooks looked back and smiled. Ms. Bee smiled at him, and it seemed like they were talking to each other. Suddenly, Ms. Bee lunged at me and I fell to the ground. "What are you doing?!" I screamed. "I KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE TORNADO. Now. GET OUT OF MY LITTLE GIRLIE'S BRAIN!" Ms. Bee commanded.

I laughed wickedly. Though inside, I was glad that my old math teacher actually got it. So now she could help me defeat Tornado. Tornado, inside my brain, forced me to hurt them. He told me to get them unconscious, and chain them up. I wanted to yell and kick at him, but I knew that he would just hurt me even more. So instead, I did the total opposite. I pleaded. I felt awful, pleading to someone who is my enemy.

It seemed so not brave. Though I was left with no choice. I knew that it wouldn't work, but there's no harm in trying. I walked up to Tornade in my mind. "PLEASE! Don't make me do this. Let them free! Please don't make me. My mentors are like family. Come on Tornado. Nobody could be that heartless." I pleaded.

Tornado's grin went away. "Have you ever thought why I'm doing this?" Tornado asked. I did know, sort of. Ok fine, I didn't.

"Taton started the special system. I was the first mentor under his guidance. I enjoyed it. Then, Bee came along, with Snooks. Taton was amazed by their both's skills. I had skill, in fact I was better than Bee. Though Bee and Snooks had more interesting powers than me, so Taton got intrigued by them.

"I was left in the dust. Taton started to EXTREMELY favor people. Haven't you ever had a teacher who did favorites? Ya, well, Taton went to the extreme limit. I was left in the dust. So, I thought, Taton is an important leader in our lives. A leader shouldn't treat some people better than some other people. I would treat everyone equally. I should become the next leader."

I felt sad for the guy. I did have some teachers who played favorites, but I was the favorite so I really didn't pay attention to it.

"Well, if you talked to Taton, maybe he'll feel sorry and uhh... Increase your position or something." I inquired. "Taton will never understand me. He's always just been like 'BEE AMAZING! Oh ya you too umm... What's your name again?' He's never payed attention to me. He's just a mean old mentor!" Tornado yelled.

"Trust me he will understand. Just give him a chan-" I started to say.

"YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE OTHERS! You're on their side!" Tornado said.

"No Tornado you don't get it," I tried to calm him.

"No. I want you, right now, to go, and do what I tell you. I thought if I explained then you would understand, and you would actually help me rather than me controlling you and forcing you. Though you didn't. So. Here's what I want you to do," Tornado commanded.

He told me the plan. I kept shaking my head. I was never in my whole life, going to do it. I told Tornado I would rather die than do it. No way was I going to chain up my friends. Tornado just smirked and told me I had to.

I got a strong feeling of... Well, it was a mixture of feelings. I started to cry. I was sad that this is what it had come to, I was missing my old life, I was angry at Tornado, I was upset that this happened to me. The tears fell down like a waterfall, and I looked down to see a whole puddle full of my tears. I wiped my sore, red eyes, and looked down. I started to see a memory in that puddle.

It was me, sitting in math class, with Ms. Bee just entering. I was talking with my friends, giggling and laughing. Ms. Bee walked in, and smiled at the whole class, and then smiled at me. I smiled back, excited for class. Ms. Bee started to talk about this competition that would happen. She said that whoever gets the most correct answers wins, and gets candy.

Everyone started to talk, taking bets of who would win. I had the most bets. Though my friend won. I was a bit upset, as I thought that I would win. After class, while I was about to leave, Ms. Bee walked up to me. "Want some?" She had asked. She was holding the candy that was only given to the victor of the competition. I nodded gratefully, and took the candy. I secretly ate it during lunch.

I looked up to see Tornado staring at me. "We all want our old lives back. Mentors also go to school when they're kids, and then Taton comes to us and tells us if we want to be a mentor. We have our superpowers even before Taton comes to us, and it's pretty tough because you know you have the powers. Unlike you Claire, I accepted," Tornado said.

I looked back at him. I felt sorry for the guy. He's been through a lot, but he took the wrong turn at the last moment. If only there was a "Come back on the right track" potion thing. Though there isn't, and I already tried to talk to him. Tornado told me to hurry up with the whole plan. I wanted to keep trying to tell him to not make me do it, but it didn't work, so I had no choice.

I told my human self to open my eyes. I looked up and saw Ms. Bee looking down, totally confused. I made vines appear, and quickly made them wrap around Ms. Bee, Mr. Snooks, Nick, and Sebastien. I had the remains of my tears coming out during the time.

I made a huge wooden wall appear, and chains appear on the wall. The vines didn't have their mouth covered so I heard Mr. Snooks say, "Fight Tornado, Claire, you can do it!" Tornado told me to reply back, "Be quiet you weakling. I'm going to put you to sleep now!" Mr. Snooks looked horrified.

Suddenly, I reached into my pocket and saw a perfume bottle. I walked up to all my friends, and sprayed it at them. They all passed out. I gasped. Tornado didn't control me for a second, so I did get to scream no while I did it. I chained them up against the wall.

Back in my mind, Tornado told me to do something else to them. "What now?!" I yelled. "I want you to... How do I put this in a nice way? Hurt your friends miserably. Don't worry, I know just the weapon. You, as a special, can make weapons with your element powers. So, I want you, to make a water bubble, put a flower in it, and place it on the ground. Then, through fire and lightning on it at the same time. Then, I want you to use that sword to uhh.... Well I guess you know what I mean."

My mouth flew open. This was past the extreme of the extreme limit of evilness!

I did what Tornado told me. A sword formed. The sword was shiny, the color like a pearl. It had a golden handle.
"I call it- The Infinity Sword," Tornado announced in my mind.

Author's Note: YAY. I recovered the chapter! It took a while to rewrite it, as I hadn't saved it anywhere else. Should
do that now... Don't want another one of these situations. Anyways, plz vote and comment! Thanks for the amazing view numbers!!! See ya later!

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