killing curse - Sirius Black

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summary; over time, you've learned one thing; gut feelings are always to be followed.

warnings; swearing.

wc; 1.4k

notes; no specific house but implied she's not slytherin.

In a blinding flash of white light and cloudy smoke, you appear beside Sirius in time for him to yank you out of harm's way. You recover during the stumble, catching yourself on his shoulder and crouching down next to him and Harry. Around you, other members from the Order of the Phoenix appear the same way you did.

There's a worried look on Sirius' face, as always. Just the thought of knowing you're in a battle makes him upset, but he knows that if you had stayed home, you'd make yourself sick with worry. If anything were to happen, you'd rather be right next to him than hear about it afterward.

Just as Remus appears, there's a rustling. Sirius jerks, wand flying in the death eater's direction to block the spell. The most it does is deflect it, sending it flying back to the caster. Rock debris from the concrete arch above you rains down, making you block your eyes.

You and Sirius send spells back towards the death eater, who releases Ron to retreat. He must be smart, because as he's running, he turns back into the black smoke he appeared as. With this brief moment of peace, the three of you get to your feet, moving around the arch to the other side.

A spell hits the concrete, barely missing you. You turn in the direction it'd been casted from, twisting your wand to send your own nasty curse to them. They jump out of the way, allowing you more time to hide.

Tonks and Moody work together to get the teenagers to hide somewhere safe, as if this tiny room has any cover to offer.

"Now listen to me–" Sirius begins, he's talking to Harry, looking over his shoulder in case he's a target, "–I want you to take the others and get out of here."

Another spell, you deflect and use the arch to steady your footing. There's a pressure on the back of your thigh, probably Sirius making sure that you don't topple over. Across the room, a death eater has locked onto you as a target. You don't blame him, you're completely out in the open.

There's a reason you're not running to hide, though.

"What? No, I'm staying with you." Harry says back.

"You've done beautifully. Now let me take it from here."

This bolt of lightning is red, and it's met with a flash of blue. The explosion is enough for sparks to come flying back, making you duck behind the arch temporarily. You want to tell Harry that it'll be safer if he runs, but the sight of Lucius Malfoy's hair makes you get to your feet, abandoning the thought.

Sirius and Harry follow suit, wands being brandished. There's a sickening smile on Lucius' face, and you can't help but wonder what he'd feel like if it was his son versus some monster. Would he still be acting this way? You have to remind yourself that there's another secret adjective that describes slytherins, but isn't said very often.


Lucius wordlessly flicks his wand forward, Sirius jumps in front of you and Harry as a way of protection, but you're already a step ahead of him. The spell dissipates when it collides with the defense spell. To the right of Lucius is another death eater, here to aid his evil friend.

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