flustered - Draco Malfoy

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Summary; ' Could I get an imagine where McGonagall pairs Draco and the reader up to practice their yule ball dancing and they HATE each other and the entire time they're dancing Draco keeps making smug comments and by the time class is over reader is all flustered'

Warnings; swearing

Word Count; 1.8k

You watch as Snape enters the room, a scowl on his face. It makes most of you readjust nervously on the bleachers, unsure of what you've done to deserve such a look of hatred. Behind him trails Filch, who stops next to a gramophone, a record in hand. Obviously whatever this is, it has something to do with music.

Filch goes ahead and removes the needle, playing the record on, and then looks to Snape. Once Snape has the reassurance, he looks out to you guys. One by one he watches your faces, some are fearful, others are looking a little more brave. It's no secret that some of you aren't the biggest fan of your representative.

It's nice being a slytherin--besides the reputation you get. You wouldn't trade your house for the world, but you would trade Snape for someone more... or rather less moody. He seems like he's always got some stick shoved up his ass, and it makes it hard to get on his good side, if he even has one.

And almost like he's reading your mind, his eyes land on your face next. You give him a small smile, trying on the innocent act. He hints at an eye roll, looking over to the boy's section inside. They sit up taller than the girls. While most of you have your legs crossed, hands in your lap and slouched, they've got their arms crossed, talking to the people next to them.

"Silence." he demands, and the room falls quiet, "The Yule Ball has been a tradition since the creation of the tri-wizard tournament." Snape moves into the room more, making vague motions with his hands, "On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests will gather in the great hall for a well-mannered evening."

He turns around sharply, since he's made it to the other side of the room. His eyes never stop searching, "We are the hosts of the Ball this year, which means each and every one of you will be on your best behavior." clearly, it's not up for discussion.

"You'll be expected to put your--" he makes a face, "--best foot forward. The Yule Ball isn't a night for festivities, it's mainly a night to dance--"

Whatever he says next is drowned out by the excited chatter of the girl section. You give a glance to the few people around you, feeling like they've just made a mistake because they just interrupted Snape, but no one seems to care. You can see Pansy lean over, talking to one of her friends. The two of them grin at each other, and then their eyes turn to you.

You look away, instead to the boys section, hoping that Pansy and her friends will give it up. However, the boys section isn't much better. Most of them have sunk in their seats now, no longer sitting up tall. They're groaning, and moaning out complaints to each other.

Snape seems like he expected this sort of reaction, because he waits patiently for the room to quiet down before he can continue. You're satisfied to see that the boys are no longer so smug, and instead are clearly fearing for when the day comes. Eventually they'll get over this timidness, as the weeks go on.

They're likely upset because they have to go through all the trouble of asking a girl to the dance, getting their suits, and then dancing itself. But by the look of the gramophone, and the empty space between the girls and the boys, you've got a feeling that this isn't just an announcement that there's going to be a dance.

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