transfer student - Hermione Granger

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summary; you're a transfer student from ilvermorny, and as soon as you figure out they have quidditch at hogwarts, you know you have to join.

warnings; swearing, death mention.

wc; 3.9k

"Welcome to Hogwarts, (Y/n)." Professor McGonagall says with a smile.

"Thank you, Professor."

"We usually sort students at the beginning of the year during the start-of-term banquet, but Headmaster Dumbledore agreed to let you join in the middle of the year. I was told that you'd been sorted into the Thunderbird house at Ilvermorny, however you'll need to be sorted again for Hogwarts."

"Sounds good." You smile.

She nods, "I'm sure you understand the way the sorting works, how you're only allowed into your own House's dormitory?"

"Yes, I'm was a fifth year."

"Of course. The four Houses here are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rulebreaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor." She pauses for a moment, allowing the information to sink in. "The Sorting Ceremony will take place in front of the whole school."

You nod, smoothing out the skirt you were instructed to wear. She holds up her hand, turning away to go inside of the Great Hall. You catch a glimpse of two rows of tables inside, full of students of all ages. Your stomach flutters, remembering that you'll have to make all new friends.

The ones you made back home in Ilvermorny were nice. You begged your mom not to move you from the school, because you didn't want to feel like a first year again. She told you that the choice isn't even left up to her, or your dad. Her job needed her relocated, and she couldn't say no. If she could've let you stay, she would've, but you would be too far away from her in an emergency.

You know she feels guilty, so you've been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt ever since you brought it up. The last thing she wants is to move to a country she doesn't know very well, either. She thinks that moving will do you all some good, though. She said it opens up a lot of possibilities for vacation spots. You didn't laugh.

While you have a minute to yourself, you smooth out your hair, straighten the black leggings, roll up the sleeves of your turtleneck sweater. The weather here so far is horribly cold, and as much as it reminds you of home, you were hoping there'd be some warmth to Hogwarts.

Your mom told you that you should receive a robe and matching outfits with the rest of your house as soon as you're sorted. If not, you need to send an owl to her so she can figure it out for you. The last thing she wants is for you to look and feel out of place. You love her to death.

The door opens again, and this time, there are a few heads turned your way. You step out of view, feeling the heat creeping into your face. You're not sure why it matters to you, considering you'll be walking through the middle of the rows in any minute, but letting them see you early feels wrong somehow.

Professor McGonagall gives you a smile, "You may follow me, Miss (L/n)."

She holds the door open for you to step inside of the Great Hall. You fight the embarrassed expression that wants to take over your face, now that you see just how many students are in here. And most—no, all of them are looking at you right now. Including the teachers at the other end of the Hall.

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