gentle - Fred Weasley

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Summary; after umbridge's punishment, you're seem to hide the fact that you're upset pretty well. but Fred knows you better than anyone else.

Warnings; swearing, angst, and fluff

Word Count; 1.6k


"I'll see you in class tomorrow." The sentence is relatively innocent, even her voice is sweet-sounding. The context behind it, and the way she tilts her head with that evil look in her eye, ruins it entirely, though. Especially after what she just made you do.

Biting back all the words you want to say, you force a smile her way. Even then, your lip seems curl on it's own, hostile, "Enjoy your evening."

You turn your back to her now, cradling your now-injured hand against your body to keep it steady. You know the moment you start walking, the jostling will make the throbbing worse. It's already bleeding--something that didn't happen to your boyfriend when he came in here--so that's already a bad sign.

You watch where you step when going down the small set of stairs. One foot in front of the other, your polished shoes make a clicking sound when they connect with the floor. Every time you land too harshly, a jolt of pain goes through your hand. And it all seems so dramatic but your hand is carved.

As you reach the door to leave the very pink room, she says, "You too."

Resisting the urge to slam the door behind you, which would likely knock the meowing cat plates off the wall and shatter them, you instead close it gently. Any other teacher, you wouldn't mind pushing their buttons, considering their detention always consists of cleaning. But with her--ever since she came to Hogwarts, it's been different.

The door clicks shut, and you don't hesitate to walk into the hall. You take your time to make sure that it's clear, and that's no one coming before even daring to take a look at it. It's mostly the shame that's keeping you from holding it out in the open. The shame of being one of those students. The purposely reckless ones that clearly deserve punishment like this.

But it's not like you even did anything to deserve Umbridge's punishment. Of course, you know it's disrespectful to talk while a teacher is, but you ran out of ink. Ink, that's it. You leaned over to ask some hufflepuff girl, and you were completely quiet when you were asking, and yet Umbridge managed to hear it.

Her being her, she called you out in front of the whole class. You weren't bothered by that fact. You were mostly annoyed about how she wouldn't let you try to explain yourself, and then when you went to ask her if she had any to spare, she gave you the detention and said it was for 'speaking out of turn'.

And it's extra funny, considering that she would have gotten pissed either way. She would have been mad that you weren't taking notes like she ordered all of you to do. And obviously she was mad when you were asking for ink. Like you said, it wasn't like you were loud, and in fact--you think half of the talking was done through mouthing, anyway. Hardly any words were spoken.

After class, Fred and George kinda laughed at you for it, saying that 'it's your first time getting into real trouble' and asked how it felt. However, as soon as you were out of the room, the three of you immediately launched into conspiracy mode. It's really not like you're a bad student, in fact everyone in your year jokes about how you seem to neutralize things with the twins.

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