yule ball - Draco Malfoy

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, ilguna.


Warnings; swearing, angst!

Word Count; 3.3k


"Hermione having a date?" Ron mutters, "I don't believe it."

You roll your eyes, biting your tongue because if you open your mouth, you're never going to shut it. It's not that hard to believe that she's gotten a date, you're just surprised about who asked her.

Before Viktor had asked her, the two of you were talking about who you wouldn't mind asking you to the ball. The conversation mostly consisted of you two naming people, and then making faces and denying it. Up until it got to Ron and Harry.

Hermione wouldn't admit that she wished Ron would ask her, all she said was that she wouldn't mind if it happened. If he asked her, she would definitely say yes and overlook the fact that he's going to be wearing the most awful outfit on the planet to the ball.

Then she asked how you'd feel if Harry asked you, and you told her that he would be your very last choice. The two of you might be friends, but that doesn't mean you'd go with him. And considering the fact that Rita Skeeter is all over him, it's just another reason. You don't want to be caught in the bad light that she's painting for him.

The idea of dancing with him is another horrendous idea. He has no rhythm sometimes, and you noticed during the class that McGonagall taught, that he barely paid attention to how it was going on. You felt bad for the girl he got caught with. You also got a little curious about what would happen at the ball, and the three champions--in this case four--start off the dance without everyone on the floor.

Which just means that there would be only eight people on the floor, and everyone else would have to watch. Until it would be okay for them to join you all, of course.

Again, you're not too fond of all of this. So, you told Hermione that Harry would be a very last choice. If he doesn't have a partner by the time the ball comes around, you'll ask him. However, if someone asks you during this time, you're completely leaving Harry to be by himself.

It's really his and Ron's faults that they haven't got a date yet. They're the ones stalling, everyone is getting asked.

"What about you, (Y/n)?" Ron asks, "You got someone to ask you?"

You raise your eyebrows, waiting to answer for a moment to answer since you're in the middle of chewing. You hold up your finger, swallowing, then taking a drink out of the fancy glass, "Not just yet, but I have a good feeling that they'll be more competent than either of you."

You offer them a cheeky smile, taking another bite out of your sandwich, "I mean seriously, you haven't tried to ask anyone but Hermione yet. What's holding you back?"

Ron and Harry look at each other like you're missing something. Then, Ron shakes his head and shoves the sandwich in his mouth, trying to avoid the conversation entirely.

Harry's more polite than that, "No one wants to go with me."

You snort, "You act like you're not semi-famous. I'm sure there are plenty of girls that would love to be asked, you just need to open your eyes."

That sentence is good enough for them to start their own conversation on who they'd think would go with them. It vaguely reminds you of what you and Hermione had gone through a day or two ago.

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