falling - Draco Malfoy

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Summary; 'Could I get an imagine where Y/n is friends with the golden trio and she's an absolute idiot so she develops feelings for Draco and the trio is like "WhAT iS WrOnG wiTh You" but she just can't help it'

Warnings; swearing

Word Count; 1.1k

Dropping the book bag onto the table, you take a seat next to Hermione. At the noise you've made, all three of them look up curiously. Only to see that there's a grin on your face. Ron groans after that, and Harry rolls his eyes. They've heard your entire speech already, but Hermione hasn't.

"Good afternoon." Hermione greets, eyeing you as you take a seat, "What's got you so positive?"

"Oh." Ron groans, rubbing his face, "You shouldn't have asked that."

"Why not?" Hermione asks.

"You can't tell me you don't have any idea." Harry says, "She's been talking about it all afternoon. Through both McGonagall and Sprout's class. She won't shut up about it."

"And I never will." you turn to Hermione now, placing your elbow on the table, and leaning your head against your hand, "Guess what?"

Hermione gives a glance between Ron and Harry. Harry motions for her to go ahead, "What?"

"Draco wasn't a total ass to me in Flitwick's class."

Hermione waits for a long moment, and then asks, "That's it?"

"It is." Ron says.

"But she keeps talking about it anyway." Harry finishes, and then mocks you a little after, you ignore the both of them.

"It's weird, right?" you ask, grabbing yourself a plate and some sandwiches, "I mean, hello--gryffindor." you motion to yourself as if they can't see, "And I'm friends with you guys. You'd think that he'd absolutely go off on me. But instead he even seemed to be smiling."

"When did this obsession with Malfoy start?" Harry asks.

You open your mouth to answer it simply, but then snap your mouth shut. The three of them look at you incredulously, and to make sure you can't answer the question for another good couple of seconds, you take a bite out of your sandwich. Chewing slowly and making sure they get the hint.

You nearly just told them that it wasn't an obsession. You were going to say, 'Isn't it obvious? I've had a crush on him since forever.' but with their distaste for him, and his hatred towards them, it's going to cause some more conflict. So, you'd much rather keep it to yourself.

Or at least make sure that they won't have a stroke when you tell them. Ron and Hermione are bound to take it the worst, since Draco's said some pretty crude things to Hermione. And with Ron... well, Draco's just got a grudge against the Weasleys, and you have no idea why.

Maybe you should ease them into the idea of it, and then say it outright. Either way, they're all still staring at you, waiting for an answer. You lower the sandwich for a moment.

"It's not an obsession." you answer, looking between them, "Really, he's not all that bad."

"Not all that bad?" Ron asks, his voice is higher than usual, Hermione shushes him, "You're kidding me."

"(Y/n), he's called me a--a..." she trails off, she can't even say it herself, so instead you look right at Harry.

"Tell me, if he had made a better first impression, would you have made friends with him?"

Harry looks uncomfortable with the sudden spotlight. He shrugs his shoulders, mutters, "Maybe." and then takes a bite of his own sandwich to ensure that no one will ask anything further.

His plan worked better than yours did. Now you're left with Hermione and Ron.

"I don't have a grudge against him. He's not all that mean to me, so I was just surprised that he was extra nice, is all." you say lamely, setting your sandwich down.

"It's more than just that." Ron insists.

"Maybe it is." you admit, "But you're all going to be mad at me when I say it."

"The worst you could say is that you fancy him." Hermione says, and with the silence that follows the statement, she definitely was expecting you to defend yourself. But it's the shock of her hitting the nail right on the head, that keeps you quiet.

You pick at your plate.

"Tell me you're joking." Hermione begs.

"I'm joking." you say, but your tone doesn't help.

It seems as if your interaction with them has gained some attention from others. Seamus and Dean lean in.

"(Y/n)'s got a crush on Malfoy?" Seamus asks.

You yank a notebook out of your bag, slamming it on the top of his head. He yelps, rubbing the spot but there's a smug look on his and Dean's face.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron asks, "Like, seriously."

"I can't help it!" You defend, "It's really not my fault, I've been trying my best to get over it."

"Not well enough." Harry mutters.

"That's rich, coming from you." you say back, and he stares.

"Give me one example." he says.

"I don't know, Cho?" you raise your eyebrows at him.

Hermione is shaking her head, "There's a difference between unrequited love and a literal monster."

"'Mione!" you complain, "He's human, just like the rest of us. It's not his fault he was raised that way."

"Oh, here she goes defending him." Ron rubs his temples.

"The three of you are insufferable." you frown, shoving the notebook back into the bag. You turn your body away from them, eating your food in silence. You try not to make yourself sick with how fast you eat.

"I guess it's not all a downfall." Harry says, the others look at him. Ron opens his mouth, but Harry shushes him, "If (Y/n) does date him, then that means he'll be nicer to us, right? To please her?"

Hermione tilts her head, "I suppose."

"What about me? His family has hated mine for centuries." Ron whines.

"Draco can change that. He doesn't have to follow in their footsteps." Harry decides, "It's not all bad. Plus, (Y/n) hasn't even had a real conversation with him just yet, so it's not like she has footing."

"You're wrong." you tell him, and they all look at you, "I've had plenty. Draco and I are a lot closer than you think."

"Oh--" Hermione is going to complain, but a smile breaks out over your face.

"Just kidding." you fix how you were sitting, "Gotcha. He was only nice to me today, and it was probably a one-time occurrence."

"Hopefully it was." Ron says.

You look over your shoulder to see Draco is staring at you. You give him a nice smile, before turning back to look at everyone else. Seamus is dishing out cards for a game, and suddenly you're all huddling together.

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