before he cheats - Draco Malfoy

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, ilguna.

summary; ' I also have a angsty request based of before he cheats by Carrie Underwood like maybe there is a talent show and reader says she has a song dedicated to draco or some thing in u are the angst queen so I have no doubt u can do it but obviously take your time and no rush!! '

warnings; swearing, might be a lil cringy tbh

wc; 4.3k

notes; READER IS SLYTHERIN. this is a songfic.

Well, if there's anything that Draco should've learned about you, it's that he can't embarrass you in front of the whole school and then expect to get away with it scot-free. You were dating for two years, friends for years before that. Draco's parents loved you, and vice versa for yours.

So, you're not exactly sure what went through his mind for him to think that it'd be okay to cheat on you with Azolia Biscus, and why he thought he'd be able to get away with it, too. The whole school was talking about it, they were snogging in the stairwell, he'd have to be invisible to get away with that type of thing.

That's not where the whole situation ends, though. Besides the fact that they were trying to act like they didn't know each other—even though you're all in the same potions class—she then tried to claim that she didn't know that you and Draco were dating. It wasn't hard to miss the way that Draco grimaced when she said that.

Did she suddenly have amnesia or has she been living under a rock for the past five years? Draco's been your best friend since you were children, it's the whole slytherin-pureblood-heritage bullshit. He asked you out two years ago. He's the one that took you to the Yule Ball, and made a whole show out of it. You wouldn't believe her, even if she was telling the truth.

You had to teach her a lesson, right there, in the middle of the hallway. If Draco was going to proclaim his love for Miss Azolia Biscus, then you'd also share your feelings about the matter. And get a message across while you were at it, because no one else was going to catch you off-guard for the rest of the year. Not even if they tried.

In the few minutes between passing classes, the best you could do was break her pretty little nose and knock out a few teeth. In all honesty, you should've kept punching her until the professors came around, but you weren't entirely prepared for detention for the rest of the year. You won't let either of them destroy the rest of the year at Hogwarts.

You have a reputation to uphold, and parents to impress.

You told Azolia that if she even breathes a word of who kicked her ass to anyone, you'd make sure that she'll never be able to speak again. You'll kick all of her teeth in and break the parts that make her human until she's a mangled mess of meat, skin and bone.

Before you left, you'd turned to Draco with this wide smile on your face, and all you had to say was, "What will your mum think of this one, Malfoy?"

If Draco's allowed to make all these promises and break every single one of them, then you're going to, too. He made you swear—not magically—that you wouldn't ever go to his mum to tell on him. If there's someone he's more terrified of his father at times, it's Narcissa, because she's the gentle parent, and Lucius is the aggressive one.

Narcissa loves you like one of her own daughters.

You can still imagine the way his face turned bright red the moment his howler let loose, screaming at him in front of the whole Great Hall during lunch. If he could take your heart and break it into pieces, the least you can do is make sure that he won't do it again, even if it's in the favor of Biscus.

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