weakness - Draco Malfoy

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, ilguna.

Summary; ' Ma'm could I get an imagine where Bellatrix kills Draco's childhood best friend/crush (Y/n) that he met in first year to try and make him harden up and prepare for Voldemort to take over and when he finds out he's BROKEN. like this man has already been through so much pain but finding out Y/n was killed by his family member has pushed him over the edge. '

Warnings; swearing, literal murder

Word Count; 2k


You place the candy in a neat pile on the counter, giving a polite smile to George, "Busy as all hell today."

"You're telling me." he says, gathering the sweets to ring up.

Honestly, you never thought that their shop would take off this quickly. You knew the things they created were brilliant, and you even bought a few things during their prototype stages, back before they had this place to call a homebase, and they sold it out of a small box.

But with the constant influx of students coming up and down Diagon Alley, especially before and during the school year, you should have known. The sweets that don't have tricks placed on them are good, the prank items towards the back are constantly selling out. The twins are geniuses.

"What's my discount today?" you ask, leaning against the counter.

"None at all." Fred says.

"Not even for a regular customer?"

The two of them share a long look together. They have this telepathy thing, you swear, with how they always finish each other's sentences or say what the other is thinking. They can create plans and never share a word with the other, leaving everyone else around them confused.

You've learned, though. It took a ton of trial and error on your part, and them trying to create ways around it. But so far, you've fallen through.

"We're going to go have a private conversation."

"That's cheating." you tell them, "What is it?"

"Who's who?" Fred asks, raising his eyebrows.

"You have to be kidding."

"Not at all." George says, and you watch as they both cross their arms in sync.

You roll your eyes, "Fred on the left, George is now going to be ringing up my discounted sweets." you give them a cheeky smile. Fred rolls his eyes and moves away, George is laughing slightly.

You drop the galleons into George's hand, "Don't suppose you guys have a fireplace?"

"In the back." George says.

"That'll cost you." Fred says, you laugh, taking the bagged sweets.

"Keep the change, then. Thank you."

"Are you coming tonight?" George asks, and you move aside to allow someone else to pay.

"No, I have a thing with Draco's family tonight, it's last minute and I don't want to be rude."

"So you'll be rude to us?" Fred asks.

You snort, "Don't be dramatic, I'll visit tomorrow. I've got to go, though."

"Be safe." They say, and you tell them that you will.

You head towards the back, tucking your sweets into your canvas bag and trading it for your floo powder. Just before you disappear through the doorway, you and the twins wave goodbye. In the room, you prepare everything on your body, making sure that you won't have to come back later. When you're sure you're put together, you go ahead and throw the powder.

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