butterbeer - Cedric Diggory

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, ilguna.

summary; Cedric said that you wouldn't be able to win the next game of quidditch. Time to prove him wrong.

prompts; 18. "That was kind of hot." AND 33. "I'd like to see you try."

warnings; swearing

wc; 1.8k


The first time you'd actually talked to Cedric ever, was after your first quidditch game a couple years ago. It was slytherin versus hufflepuff, you had never played before, you only vaguely remembered what it was like during tryouts. The Captain–his name slips your mind, now–had told you that he wants to see you in action.

You assumed that he meant some placebo game with only slytherin players during practice on one of the days. But the next time a game came around, he picked you to be the seeker for that game. As for everyone else, they held their regular positions. You tried to argue that you couldn't do it, you're going to underperform and end up losing the game.

He looked you dead in the eyes, grabbed your shoulders and said, "Play."

There wasn't any time for turning back, your team and the hufflepuff team were ready to go. All you had to do was find your spot behind the older kids and get ready to float. With them being so much taller than you, and also so much more experienced, you thought that you were either going to pass out, or puke up your lunch on the field.

Just before the ball was thrown to start the game, you watched as the hufflepuff team traded out someone on their team real quick. Before you knew it, you saw someone you age coming onto the field, looking just as nervous as you felt. Hufflepuff had just slightly evened out the playing field without any of you asking.

The game went smoothly, only longer than usual because you and the other seeker are new to the game and don't know the erratic behavior of the snitch as much as the older seekers do. However, once your eyes caught sight of it, you were off without a single regard of what was going on around you.

As far as you were concerned, the game was long, and since slytherin was leading, there was no time like right then to catch the snitch and end the game. Your teammates realized what was going on soon after, as did Cedric, and suddenly the real game started. Hufflepuff trying to decapitate you, Cedric trying to beat you to the snitch, and your teammates desperately trying to protect you and the goal posts to make sure that you would lead.

It was all the more pressure, your first time playing and having slacked that long on trying to find the snitch. Not to mention your Captain had his eyes on you, he wanted to see you in action. If you could catch the snitch and win the game, you were bound to get your seat on the team secured.

You and Cedric were neck in neck at one point, both super competitive. In your mind, since you saw the snitch first, you deserved to get it. But the longer you chased the golden ball around, the more you began to realize that you'd have to try a different tactic, something more daring.

You gave one smirk to Cedric, who was already glaring at you, and then proceeded to jump off of your broom. You barely got the snitch into your palm, but once your hand encircled it, you pulled it to your chest, squeezed your eyes closed and braced for impact. No matter what fucking happened you wouldn't be letting good of the damn ball.

You were saved by Professor Snape, who had casted arresto momentum just before you hit the grass at full force. You got to your feet after, and carefully held out your hand to reveal that you still had it. The game ended immediately, the one hundred and fifty points being added on to your already seventy. Slytherin had won.

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