undercover - Draco Malfoy

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I'm not accepting requests on here. If you want to request then you can go to my blog on Tumblr, ilguna.

Summary; ' Could I get an imagine where Draco and Y/n are secretly dating and they keep it very down low but the yule ball comes around and Cedric won't stop bugging Y/n about taking her to the ball. But one day Y/n's with her friends and Draco approaches them and one of their friends go to point out someone is walking over to them and Y/n think it's Cedric so without looking she's all like "No, stop asking me to the ball Cedric" and Draco gets all mad and protective and goes to tell him off '

Warnings; swearing

Word Count; 1.9k


"I think it's lame neither of you have been asked to the Yule Ball yet," Hannah says, which immediately has you smiling, Cho looks up from her wand with raised eyebrows, clearly waiting for Hannah to finish, "Can't be that hard to get asked."

"Okay, then who's your date going to be, Hannah?" You ask, biting into a sandwich and watching her smugness fade.

Hannah scowls, glaring between you and Cho. A lot of the time she likes to say that you and Cho frequently gang up on her, like there's always a secret plan going on between you two. When in reality, Hannah has this habit of talking big and backing herself into a corner at the same time. It wouldn't be that bad, if she knew how to get out of messes like this.

"I haven't been asked yet." Hannah snuffs, going back to doing homework.

You and Cho share a smile, just like you promised, Hannah doesn't have an excuse.

"But you'll get one eventually, right?" Cho asks, batting her eyelashes innocently.

Hannah glares at the both of you, "You two know what I meant."

"Clearly not, if you don't have a date either. What was it that you were saying?" you mock thinking, Cho laughs, "It 'can't be that hard to get asked'? What's your trick, and how can we be just like you?"

"Don't spare the details." Cho says, and you motion to her.

"Shut up, both of you." Hannah says, "Do either of you have the time?"

"Five minutes before your next class." Cho says, "Better get going, hopefully your next date will be there."

You giggle, burying your face in your hands. Hannah sighs, "You two are so cheeky, but I don't see either of you getting asked. I was right, y'know–"

"(Y/n)!" you hear, you press your lips together, staring straight ahead at Hannah. If you pretend he doesn't exist, then he won't ask you again, right?

Your two friends are staring at you, waiting for you to turn and acknowledge the new person's presence. Cho's got her eyes widened, giving you that look that tells you to turn around and greet the person, especially since they were asking for you. But you give her a smile, and go to change the subject.

"Hey." you hear right next to you, they're slightly out of breath. And you don't really have a choice but to turn and see Cedric, running a hand through his hair. You should have known that sitting at the hufflepuff table would get you noticed by him, but you were slightly hoping that he would have stopped by now, "Have you made up your mind?"

"About what?" you ask, because you're sure that you've told him a couple of times already. You're not interested, you haven't been interested since the beginning. You wish you could just outright tell him you've got a date already, but that'll end up raising more questions than needed.

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