impedimenta - Draco Malfoy

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Summary; you had a feeling there was something wrong with Draco. and right when he goes to tell you, he shows up to ruin it all.

Warnings; swearing, angst only

Word Count; 1.9k


Typically, when you tell your slytherin friends that you knew what was going to happen before they even did the thing, they like to tell you that you didn't. That it's impossible for you to be guessing about all of these things and turning out right on most--if not all--of it.

However, what they lack to remember is the fact that you spent your entire first couple of years at Hogwarts just going off of intuition. A good example of this, is when it came to homework in classes, and when the professors would purposely assign questions that you hadn't learned yet.

For Draco, and Pansy and Blaise and all your other friends, it was a struggle to come out with the answer. They would spend hours just going through the textbook looking for the one answer to a multiple choice question. But for you? You would read the question once, then twice, and then three times, making sure to answer all those times.

And when you would come out with the same answer all those times, you decided that it was a good enough answer to circle. Later, of course in class you'd hand back the work, and it would almost all be right, with the exception of a few. Though, those 'few' often tended to be the material you learned about in class, not the actual 'bonus questions' themselves.

Anyway, that intuition earlier in the years really helped develop your gut feeling when it comes to things. And your latest prediction is that there's something horribly wrong with Draco this year, and he's yet to reveal it to you guys.

It's his mannerisms that are off. Of course, he's still just as snot-nosed as he was last year, but it's off. The only way you've been able to describe it to anyone is it's like he's standing on the edge of a cliff, always teetering forward like he's going to fall, and then he jerks back again.

An unmade decision, you think. An unmade decision that'll prove his worth. Yes, that sounds right.

It doesn't sound that far fetched. All the times you've been at Malfoy Manor, it wasn't very pleasant because of his father. The way that Lucius looks at the moment is terrifying, and Draco seems to think so too. There's a certain pressure on your boyfriends shoulders...

You wish you could just ask him, but every time you've tried that so far, he's blown you off and then avoided you for days. Probably hoping that you'd forget about it and stop wondering about it. It's hard not to, especially with how all your friends seem to be absolutely clueless to this.

You really just wanted Pansy or Blaise to realize what's going on, so that they could go to you. Or so that they could just go ahead and ask Draco outright. However, you've come to notice that you could wave their favorite candy bar right in front of their faces, and they wouldn't have a goddamn clue.

Draco is leaned up on his hand, one arm on the dining room table as he stares off to the side. He reaches over with his thumb, playing with his ring absentmindedly. He hasn't touched his food for almost ten minutes, there's no doubt that it's getting cold at this point.

You wonder if he's waiting for you guys to be done eating, or if he's zoned out completely. It's hard to tell. You drum your fingers against the wooden table, hoping that he'll get annoyed by the noise, but there is no erection, You place your hand flat against the table again, and then rub your face with the other.

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