I'm Not Okay

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*Kolfinna's POV*

Chris was taking me out to lunch because he wanted to discuss some things about the coven. I didn't understand why he wanted to go out and do it, but I guess he just wanted to grab a bite. We were seated at a tiny cafe in Jackson Square eating when he decided to begin talking.

"I have to leave with the guys in one week for tour." he rushed his words and I nearly spit out my drink. My eyes widened and I gave him a questioning look. He stayed silent, twiddling his thumbs before I got aggrivated and said,

"Go on."

"Remember how I told you we have a band to keep up the idea that we're human? He spoke in a low voice. I nodded with a so-what look on my face. "We have to go on concert tours durning the summer and sometimes the fall. Korel booked us a tour for the fall and I have to leave in a week." he gave me the sad, desperate look.

"One week before you leave? Christopher, this is so last minute. I don't even know how long you're going to be gone for and I'm worried how much the baby is going to grow when you aren't here." I began hyperventilating. Then I realized something. "When did you find out about this tour?" I asked. He was dead silent. "Christopher, answer me." I said more than asked.

"I learned about it a month ago.." he drifted. My eyes widened and I was a little more than hurt. He waited a week until he was due to leave before he told me. And to make matters worse, he did it the morning after we had a love-filled night together. I was angry. I narrowed my eyes at him and stood from my chair, beginning to walk out. He tried to grab for my arm and I pulled myself free, tears welling up in my eyes.

"How do you think that makes me feel Chris?" i sobbed, almost yelling at him. He wouldn't look me in the eyes. "You tell me that you have to leave, a week before your due! I'm going to be left at home with a cranky, yet loving newborn while you play singer for a leading charts metal band. To make it worse, you choose to tell me the morning after we-" My voice cracked and I couldn't go on. I just shook my head and walked out. He probably new my first destination, but I wouldn't be there long.

~time lapse~

I rung the doorbell and Allie answered. Her eyes softened when she saw my puffy cheeks and teary eyes. She let me inside and I began gathering Fawn's things.

"What are you doing sweetie?" she asked, "This was supposed to be you day with Chris."

"Well he decided to tell me that he was going on tour this morning over breakfast, and needless to say, I'm very upset with him right now." i huffed, picking up the diaper bag and then Fawn. "I'm taking Fawn over to Kylie's place. We're gonna stay there for a bit. Did you find the B-A-T?" I spelled and she nodded, pulling it from the couch and into Fawn's arms.

"At least let me drive you. He's going to be looking for you, ya know? she said, grabbing her hoodie and kissing Ryan's cheek before opening the front door. As she did that, an upset looking Chris came through the door.

"Kolfinna, look, I'm begging you to forgive me. I know what I did was wro-..where are you taking Fawn, and Allie why do you have your jacket?" he asked the both of us.

"I'm staying with a friend and Allie is driving me there." I stated simply, walking to the car. He followed close behind me.

"K, don't do this. I wanted to spend time with you and Fawn before I left." He sounded heart-broken. Tears began to form again and I kissed him hard.

"I'll bring her over tomorrow. You can keep her until you leave for tour. I just need some time to think Chris." I whispered, putting Fawn in her booster seat and strapping her in before I got in the passenger seat and shut the door. Allie started backing out of the driveway as Chris yelled at me through the glass. I locked the doors and caved in on myself, as I started crying looking back at Chris through the side mirror.

cliff-hanger! Don't worry darlings, I'm uploading again soon. But for right now, I'm working on my other story.

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