Promise Me

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*Chris' POV*

Another day has passed. The girls have begun to make progress with Kolfinna. She's speaking again, and she fed last night. Her stomach has grown, but the girls say it's best for me not to see her right now. They've told me she doesn't look well enough for heavy company. As of right now, the guys and I were working on the new album we were releasing on the sixteenth of September. But I couldn't keep Kolfinna from my mind. What was so horrible about her, that the girls wanted to keep me from her? I kept messing up the lyrics by forgetting the words. I hunk the guys were beginning to get restless. Especially Korel. We tried running through the chorus once more, but yet again I fucked it up.

"Dude. Maybe we should take a break for a little while. Go back upstairs, grab some lunch, clear your head for a little while. Then we'll come back down and try again later." Ryan said, patting my shoulder. I nodded and set my mic on it's stand.

I went up the stairs of my mother's basement, where we liked to keep our recording material. I opened the door to the first floor, but stopped when I saw her. Kolfinna was being guided into the kitchen by Allie and Ashley, Kylie and Jessica following close behind her. She wore a white nightgown, and held onto their arms with a careful grip. She shook as she took careful steps towards the kitchen, her thin legs bruised to hell and back. Her bare feet lightly dragged across the wood floors, and purple bags rimmed her faded steel eyes. Her stomach protruded out slightly, but enough for anyone to notice. I could feel the sadness wash over my body like a tidal wave. She looked so miserable. I watched as her helpless body tried making it through the living room. She suddenly tripped over her own feet and nearly fell, if it wasn't for the girls holding her upright, she would have. I quickly made my way over to her, putting an arm behind her back and the other behind her knees. I hoisted her up bridal style and she held onto my neck.

"Here we go darling, I'm going to set you down here, okay?" I asked her, and she slowly nodded as I placed her on a chair in the kitchen. She held her stomach as she sat there watching me, her hair pulled away from her face in a loose fitting bun. The girls came up behind us and I didn't look away from Kolfinna. She looked so unhealthy.

"We brought her down here because she needs to be cleaned up. But she doesn't want us seeing her so...vulnerable. She asked us to bring her down here so you could do it instead." Allie said, brushing back some of Kolfinna's hair.

"Of course, that's no problem." I replied, smiling down at my mate. She just looked up with cold dead eyes. I kissed her forehead before picking her up again. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I carried her into the master bathroom. My mother wouldn't mind her using the bathtub. I gently set her down on the plush rug in front of the tub and turned on the water. I let it run over my fingers until it was warm enough. I plugged it and it began to fill. After, my full attention was on Kolfinna. I stooped down in front of her and began to slip off her straps. She winced when my hand went over one of her many bruises. Her hand laid on top of mine and she whispered,

"Please be gentle. Everything hurts." Her voice was hoarse and all I could do was nod. I got her straps off successfully and then pulled her body towards mine, reaching around to unbutton it from behind. I undid the white silky buttons and carefully pushed the gown upwards, tugging it over her head. She'd lost a good amount of weight, so the stomach and ribs were very profound. I lightly pulled off her underwear and laid them with her gown.

"Okay, this may hurt for a second so I want you to take a deep breath and just hold onto me okay? Don't release me until you're fully in the tub." She nodded and I picked her up again, slowly bending over the tub and placing her in the hot water. She made a loud whimper, and then her hands tightened around my back. Her body touched the bottom and she slowly began to release me. She finally let go and leaned her head back on a towel I rolled up and put behind her.

She slowly began to relax, and her eyes made their way shut. I sat down next to her and watched as she moved her hands in the water. I saw a small smile form on her lips. I decided to make things easier for her. I grabbed the lighter from the mantle and walked back in the bathroom, lighting the candles around her. I then shut off the lights, so the only thing illuminating the bathroom was the candles. She opened her eyes and smiled, reaching her hand out to hold mine.

"I've decided I want this baby. The first one that was taken from me just tore me apart. I couldn't go through with something like that again. I'm happy to be having this baby with you Christopher." She muttered, shifting her legs slightly. I squeezed her hand lightly and kissed her cheek.

"I don't want you to worry about anything baby. We'll make a wonderful family. And we won't allow anything to get in the way of that, alright? You'll be a fantastic mom, and I'll be a great dad. We'll take care of the little one." I replied, placing my hand on her stomach and rubbing it gently. "But you have to promise me one thing."

"What?" She whispered.

"You gotta start taking better care of yourself. I can't lose you. I wouldn't be able to raise this baby without you. And if you don't take care of yourself, we both know what will happen. The baby will rip you apart, from the inside out. It's already beginning." I stated, my voice turning weak as I looked at her bruises.

She nodded, squeezing my hand, a tear falling down her cheek. "I promise Chris."

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