Day 3

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*Chris' POV*

My darling hasn't moved in three days. She refuses to eat anything, including blood. Another week without it and she'll become too weak to move. The second week without, she will fall into a coma ensued sleep. The third week and her body will die, the baby eating it's way through her. I can't coax her to drink the blood. She only lays there and stares at the wall behind me. The girls have been watching over her today, the guys dragging me from her room.

"This isn't healthy for you Chris. You can't watch her like this. You're starting to become weak." Angelo had said.

"If she starves herself to death, I shall starve myself too." I had replied. I was being selfish. It's not what Kolfinna would want of me. She would tell me to stop being like this, that one of us had to stay for the baby. The baby. I didn't even want children. How was I going to survive with a child if Kolfinna left me? I would be lost, and the child would grow up not knowing their mother.

I was sitting downstairs in my mother's house, staring at my hands. I wanted to go upstairs and check on her. It'd been hours since I had last seen my love. Her face was turning a sickening grey, replacing her stark white skin. Her long fingers were starting to resemble those of a corpse, and her cheeks had become hollow. She had purple toned bags under her steel eyes, and her hair had lost its shine. Her stomach was beginning to grow, and I knew in the matter of three weeks, our child would be born. I could hear the light patter of feet above me, so I knew the girls were up and about, trying to motivate my darling to eat. My head shot up as I heard feet coming down the stairs. Kylie reached the bottom and looked at me, giving me a sad smile and shaking her head. I sighed and put my head in my hands. She still refuses to eat.

"I'm going to try once more Chris. We were finally able to get her to speak, we just have to get some fluids in her. The baby is beginning to become restless." Kylie said, rubbing my back.

"Just tell her I love her." I whispered. She nodded and walked back upstairs, Devin following in her steps.

"She'll be alright Chris. The girls are beginning to make progress." Ricky smiled. I sighed.

"I just can't believe this is happening to us. A thousand questions are running through my mind each minute. A kid? I don't even like children. Will I like ours? Will I be a good dad? Will I turn out like my father? Will the baby hate me? Will it understand us?"

"You can't be worried about those things right now Christopher. You may not like children, but once your baby is here, your connection will be so strong, you'll forget all about that." My mom piped up, coming out of the kitchen. "The one thing you must always remember is that, you love Kolfinna, and you know you'd do anything to make sure she's alright."

"I know mother. I know..."

Quick little update, hope you enjoyed ;)

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