The stain will still remain

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*Kolfinna's POV*

I sat on the bed, just staring at the items before me. It was weird, having Christopher's former life displayed before me. It was taunting me like and older sibling would do to the youngest. I picked up one photograph. Chris wasn't smiling in it, but he had that cocky smirk on. His hair was much longer than it is now. And there was a petite platinum blonde in the photograph. She was wearing a violet scarf with a matching knitted hat. She was holding Chris' face and kissing his cheek. This was Carlie? Honestly, it surprised me. I set the picture aside and picked up a heart shaped locket. It was sterling silver with the word "Amoré" engraved into it. I pressed the side and it clicked open. A small picture of Chris appeared. He was young, and laughing. I shut the locket and continued. Something caught my eyes. A photo of Carlie. She was wearing the necklace Chris had given to me. I sat there, numb, staring at the picture. She was reading a book, completely oblivious to the fact her picture was being taken. But I recognized the pulsating stone around her neck. It was the same stone I bore now. I felt my throat close up with the threat of tears. It's not her fault he gave her the stone. She was his mate. But she had been executed, and now I was wearing her necklace. It made me wonder if he felt the same about me as he did her. Is he sure of me? Does he love me? Everything else inside the box were old photos and death certificates. And two pieces of clothing. A violet scarf and matching knit hat.

That night I removed the necklace he'd given me. I placed it in the box and shut it, stuffing it back into his closet. From the things I saw, I was much too upset to function. Because he was unsure of their marriage, she had been executed. It made me wonder what he thought about me. Did he love me as much as her? Maybe more? Maybe less? I didn't know but it frightened me. By the time morning came around, I wasn't in the mood for people. It didn't help the baby had been kicking me all night. Now that there are only ten more days left, it's beginning to become restless. I stood in Chris' room and pulled on some white jeans with a white blood splattered tank top. It was his shirt, so it fit like a dress.

"You took the necklace off." I jumped and gasped, quickly turning around. Chris stood there, bags under his eyes, and ratty bed head. I looked down and pushed back my hair.

"It wasn't mine to bare." I whispered.

"What are you talking about? Of course it's yours to bare. You are my mate, it's the only way I can tell if you've been hurt. And it's the only way for me to locate you." He looked surprised that I'd say this.

"Well, it was her's first. Therefore it will always be her's." I announced.

"Kolfinna. It was always yours, never hers." He replied, sounding slightly agitated.

"Christopher. There are photos of her wearing the damned thing. That was her stone. Not mine." I almost yelled. He just shook his head.

"I don't understand why Carlie is such a big deal.." He muttered. I quickly turned on him, my eyes narrowing.

"Excuse me? You don't understand? Chris, she was your mate. That is a blood bond. And not just a mate. She was your first mate, supposed to be your last mate, for six years!" My voice rose.

"I just don't believe it's a big deal. Carlie was my past, you're my future."

"Really?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Yes." He answered honestly.

"Then tell me, how long will I be your mate?" I replied.

"Forever, why would you think otherwise?"

"Because I'm your second mate Chris! You're only supposed to have one! Are we forever, or am I just another Carlie?" I whispered that last sentence. His eyes widened and he looked at me with pain.

"I just can't believe that you'd ask me that."

"How is that so astonishing for me to ask? You had a mate before me Christopher. And because you had doubts about it, she was executed." I replied.

"Don't ever say that again. Don't you ever use the word execute when you say anything about her. Ya know what, why don't you just stop talking about it. Is it really that difficult?" He growled.

"Oh fuck off Chris. You loved her, but you had your doubts. And I was just second in line for the bullshit."

"Our bond is not bullshit!" He yelled.

"Oh please then, prove that to me! I screamed back. He just stood there quiet for a moment before turning his back to me and walking out, muttering in return,

"I don't have to take this shit from little miss second in line."

When he slammed the door, my already dead heart broke, and I slumped to the floor, a crying heap.

Can Your Heart Still Break If It's Already Stopped Beating? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now