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*Kolfinna's POV*

The room was dimly lit. The silver restraints burned into my wrists, making me weak enough to not struggle as much. I looked around frantically, I felt so disgusting lying here completely exposed. My legs had been bent at the knees, my feet strapped firmly with silver chains. Nurses walked around me, ignoring my shrieks and cries. I was just some trapped animal in a cage. Some tormented animal they had to assist to. I began to squirm when Lucien came into view, his long boney finger trailing across my abdomen. I tensed as his sharp nail grazed me.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. Someone has proven to me that she cannot take care of herself on her own. And this...thing must be eliminated at once." He scolded, looking at my bulging stomach with complete disgust. "But since you are much too far along to abort from the source, I'll have to enter from the core." He stated matter of factly."

"What do you mean? Enter from the core?" I muttered, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I refused to. His grotesque features formed into a blood thirsty smile.

"It means, darling, that the only way for me to take out this abomination, is through the abdomen. Now, this may hurt." He pressed his hands against my abdomen, pushing his sharp talons into my flesh. A blood curdling scream wrenched through my lungs as his hands entered my body. I tugged on the restraints, struggling to break free from his vice like grip. I felt his hands work their way into me, a burning pain shooting throughout my body. I finally broke my left foot loose, and moved to the side, trying to angle my body away from him.

"God Damn, someone grab her and hold her down!" Lucien roared. Two male dominates ran towards us. My other foot broke free. They tried holding me down, but I kept struggling. Then it was lake a heat wave ran through me. My body slammed back against the table, my eyes slowly drifted shut, and I felt all power drain from my body.

The last thing that I head throughout the room was a baby's cry, the sound of a blade slicing through skin, and then...silence.

I startled myself awake, my body dry heaving though I had no breath to give out. I quickly put my hand on my stomach and closed my eyes. A huge bulge, one strong kick..two strong kicks.. The baby was fine. I was alright. I looked to my right, Chris was fast asleep, his hand on my belly. His mouth was slightly open and he was drooling a little. I couldn't help it and giggled. I smoothed back his tangled, messy hair and kissed his cheek. I took the hem of my gown and wiped his mouth before cuddling back up against him and falling asleep in his arms.


*Chris' POV*

Kolfinna's been doing better. It's day ten and her stomach has grown tremendously. She's regained her strength and began feeding again. The bruises are beginning to fade, and she gained some extra weight. I was currently downstairs, fixing myself a plate of pancakes when two small pale arms wrapped around my waist, a giant lump hit me in the butt, and a head laid against my back. I smiled and looked under my arm, seeing a rather sleepy Kolfinna. Her stomach just happened to be the giant lump pressed against my butt. She was watching me fix my plate from under my arm.

"Hey love, did you sleep well?" I asked her, stacking chocolate chips and syrup onto my breakfast. She shook her head in a no and pushed back her hair. My smile turned into a frown. "Oh?" I stopped fixing my plate. She nodded.

"Yeah. Just had a bad dream. Woke up around two am to your drooling face." She chuckled as I blushed, embarrassed.

"I was drooling?" I didn't even know I drooled.

"Yeah, but don't worry, it was kind've cute." She smiled, poking my stomach.

"Well then, what's my baby in the mood for this morning?" I asked, putting a hand on her stomach. She giggled and backed away from me, holding her tummy with both hands and looking at it.

"Something sweet, sugary, warm, and that makes mom look like a fat cow."

"Four Chocolate chip pancakes it is." I said, fixing her a plate. She hit me in the stomach and smirked.

"Oh darling, you're not fat! My, when I had Christopher, he made me gain so much weight, I thought I was going to pop! It was his height, I swear a little woman like myself cannot be carrying around a little chubby boy like that. Nearly broke me." My mom came around the corner, embarrassing the shit out of me. Kolfinna just laughed, my sister mumbling "I was such a fatass" under her breath.

"Hey! Was not, I just hadn't grown into my body yet!" I shouted, throwing chocolate chips at my sister. She ducked and they hit the window behind her.

"He also sucked at his aim. Still does as you can see." She said, waving her hand around.

"That's it, you're going down!" I yelled, handing Kolfinna her plate and then running after my sister.

*Kolfinna's POV*

"Should we say something?" Chris' mom asked me as I watched Chris tackle his sister.

"Nah, lets go out onto the patio and have a quiet breakfast while the duke it out. I say we've got a good thirty minutes before they realize we're gone." I shrugged, walking out onto her screened in deck. She followed behind and we sat, watching the birds.

"So, when does Chris say you're due?" His mom smiled.

"This is day ten, so eleven more before we're due. Honestly, i have to say, I'm mortified."

"And why is that dear?" She furrowed her brows.

I shrugged. "I guess I just always think about the past when I think about children. But I need to stop doing that. Christopher wouldn't allow Lucien to take our child away from us. We promised one another that much."

"I'm not surprised. Chris always said he didn't want children. But then you came into the picture. He was laughing and much more talkative when I was on the phone with him. He acted so different, and when I found out why, I knew you were effecting him. He didn't want another mate after Carlie. But you've definitely changed that in him. In fact, he hated Carlie. She most certainly wasn't the right match for him. I think, in the end, that's why Lucien had her killed. I think it's also why Chris didn't want another mate. He blamed himself for Carlie's death-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Who on earth is Carlie? Everything you just said, Chris had a mate before me? And Lucien had her killed...because Chris was unsure of their matrimony?" My vision felt blurry. I held onto my stomach and quickly stood, causing myself to dizzy. All I heard was Chris' mother yell my name as I fell hard to the ground, and blacked out.

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