Hand Gestures

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*Chris' POV*

The days are beginning to get shorter, the skies getting dark at around five. The days were also getting closer to the baby's due date. This was now day six. Four more days until it's here. She needs to be awake when this happens. Will it hurt her? Yes. But will it be worth the pain? Of course. I know she wants to be awake for this. Last night I was talking with Angelo in front of her. We were talking about the chances of if she'd be awake for the baby's arrival. Halfway through our conversation, Ange pointed at Kolfinna. Tears were falling down her beautiful porcelain cheeks, her eyes desperately wanting to open. The stone on her breast was pulsating like mad. I was finally able to calm her tears by singing to her. I sat there, humming a small tune until her tears stopped flowing. We don't talk in front of her anymore. At least, not about the baby. Every night I held her hand and begged her to wake up, I apologized multiple times, I cried myself to sleep. I wasn't ready to take this child on by my own.

"Chris, mom told me to bring you this." My sister whispered, setting a steaming hot Starbucks cup on the dresser. She quickly scurried out of the room and shut the door behind her. I sighed. She still hasn't forgiven me, quite frankly, I don't blame her. I was such an ass. I held her hand while I sipped absent minded at the scorching drink. It was pumpkin spice. Something that could cheer me up no matter what. But this time it didn't. The familiar taste that once was with me at all times, was now foreign to me. I set it aside and put my head in my hand.

"Why did I do this to you?" I mumbled. Everything was quiet for the first few minutes. It was around nine in the morning and everyone was either rehearsing for the upcoming tour, or working on individual work. I sighed and closed my eyes, only to have them shoot up seconds later. She squeezed my hand. I was not delusional. I felt it. She, Kolfinna, squeezed my hand for the first time in six days. I quickly stood and called for my mom. She ran in moments later, sister in tow. "She squeezed my hand! She can understand us!" I yelled, smiling broadly. "She's close to being awake!" I grabbed my mom's hand and placed it into Kolfinna's.

"Sweetie, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand." My mom said, pushing back some of Kolfinna's long messy hair. A moment later, I saw her hand tighten around my mother's. I smiled lovingly at my mate. My mother's gasps were enough to reassure me she was going to be okay. "I-I can't believe it." She whispered. "Last night, tears. And now today, she's moving slightly. She may just be awake for-" I put my hand up to my mom's mouth and shook my head. I put my arm around her and guided her into the hallway before shutting my door.

"We can't talk about the baby in front of her. The fact that she might miss seeing this firsthand, breaks her heart. That's what Ange and I were talking about last night. That's why she was crying. She realized, she may miss this." I sighed, raking a hand through my knotted, oily hair. I cringed at my hair's texture. I needed a shower.

"Well then...I won't mention the baby. But you know that this is a wonderful sign? She may actually be awake when this happens." She replied, giddy at herself.

"I know mom."

"And I'm going to be a grandmother!" She squealed. I laughed and nodded, hugging my mom.

"And you're going to be a grandmother." I smiled.

*Kolfinna's POV*

I had to be able to do this. He thought he was the one that caused this. Those awful words kept flowing through my head. Why did I do this to you? He didn't do this to me, I did it to myself. I have to make sure he knows I'm okay. His hand was grasping mine. I can do this. I willed myself to make something of my hand. I needed this to work. I tried to find feeling in it first. And finally, I got it. I clamped my hand down around his, squeezing as hard as I could. I wanted to smile when I heard his happiness. But that would come in time. I had to take baby steps. Squeezing a hand will work for now. I felt his mom's hand being placed into mine. I admit, I miss and love Chris, but his hands were then only ones I felt for days. It was nice to feel tinier hands. She said something to me and I squeezed. She was about to say something else, but she stopped in the middle of her sentence. It was about me waking up. I thought I was alone when I heard the door shut, so you can imagine how startled I was when a much smaller, softer hand touched my arm. It stung and she pulled away after a moment. Or..I at least assume it's a she. Could be Devin I smirked in my thoughts.

"So you can really hear me? No, that voice was young. Very young. Maybe high school age. Chris' sister. I squeezed her hand in a yes. "Wow. I guess I wasn't expecting this. How about I ask questions, one squeeze yes, two squeezes no?" I squeezed. "Do you feel alright?" Squeeze. "Does it hurt physically?" Two squeeze. "How about mentally?

I squeezed and held for a little while, maybe she'd get the emphasis. "I'm sorry." She replied sadly. "So are you exited that the baby is almost here?" She asked. I didn't know how to answer. Was I happy? Was I sad? Was I upset? How about a jumble of those things. How do I answer? I just settled for one squeeze. "You hesitated." She mumbled. "Quite frankly I feel the same. I think you two having a baby, well, I'm afraid Chris will forget about me." She whispered. Honestly I was shocked at her thought. Chris lived for his sister and he'd die trying to protect her. "Do you think he'd-" I squeezed her hand twice, very quickly. "But the other day when I tried to get him to eat something, he grabbed me and threw me out." I wanted to hug her. Chris could be very irrational at times.

"What are you doing?" I heard Chris ask.

"Talking to her, but what do you care?" She mumbled before I heard a door slam. I felt Chris' hand slip into mine once more. I heard him sigh.

"I fucked up with her, and I fucked up with you." He admitted. I wanted to tell him it was alright, I wanted to tell him anything. But since I was stuck in the horrible black abyss, I just squeezed his hand.

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