Don't Go

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*Chris' POV*

I was on my way over to Devn and Kylie's. Allie fessed up and told me where Kolfinna was going to stay. Today I was going over early to pick up Fawn and try to convince Kolfinna to come home. I hated the way we left things yesterday and I just wanted her to come back with me. I hated sleeping in our bed last night without her. Her scent lingered on the pillows and everything I touched reminded me of her. I pulled the SUV into Devin's driveway and got out, walking to the door. I could smell Kolfinna and Fawn's scents. Before I even walked onto the screened in porch, Kylie came out, a frantic mess.

"Chris, you can't be here right now, she's not well for company" Kylie said, trying to look anywhere but my face. It was the way she said that she wasn't "well" for company.

"Kylie, whether you like it or not, I'm coming inside." By the time I had said this, Devin was next to Kylie, his hands on her shoulders, talking in a low voice.

"Kylie, just let him in. He needs to see her, even if she isn't fit for it. They need to talk and sort this out." He whispered, moving her a little to the side as a gesture for me to enter the house. "She's upstairs giving Fawn a bath." he stated simply, before trying to go back to soothing Kylie's hysterics.

I entered the house and immediately began mounting the steps. I heard a door slam and my steps got quicker. As I rounded the corner, I noticed the only door that was shut was the bathroom door. I knocked gently, hoping she'd think it was just Kylie.

"Chris, I'm not an idiot." she whispered through the door in a low, wavering voice. The way she automatically new it was me almost made me smile and, if it wasn't because of her wavering voice, I would have. 

"Baby please, just open up the door." I called back to her. I didn't want this to end how it did yesterday. I could hear some feet shuffling and Fawn making incoherent baby noises while water splashed about. I heard a small click and she opened the door a little. She was standing in Kylie's robe, her hair pulled into a giant bun. Her eyes looked sad, tired, and red from not sleeping. I opened the door a little more and walked in, her shutting it behind me. Fawn giggled when she saw me and pointed at me, speaking jibberish. I smiled at her little pudgey face.

" found me...again." She mumbled, her arms crossed and eyes downcast. I turned to her and pulled her by her hands so she was sitting on the commode. She watched Fawn splash in the barely filled tub.

"Baby, I'm always going to find you. Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving until a week before. I wanted to spend as much time with my girls as I could, not talking about tour. I'm sorry I did this. What do I have to do in order for you to forgive me? I'll declare my stupidity to all of the world if I have to. I'll take you and Fawn on tour with me. Please, tell me what I have to do to get my mate back." I was begging her, on my knees, holding her hands in mine.

"Don't leave me." she whispered, tearing up. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck, crying freely. I pulled her from where she sat, and into my lap so I was holding her.

"If I have to, you'll come with us. I'll see to it we get a larger bus. One with a back room so you and Fawn can be comfortable. We'll make this work." I soothed her, rocking her back and forth. She kissed my jaw and looked at me, tears still running down her cheeks.

"We can't do that darling. Fawn and I will only get in the way. Especially on the road. She's growing faster and faster everyday, She's starting to walk on her own, we can't-"

"Yes, you can." I cut her off. "And, you will. I'm making arrangements today, so don't put up a fight."

"But what about the others? I can't just leave them at home and tour with you guys. They'd be completely left out." She started.

"Trust me, they don't mind. They've been on tour. It's nothing glamorous. Just six smelly guys crammed onto one, small bus for a few months with one bathroom. They don't want to experience that again." I laughed and, for the first time since yesterday, she smiled.

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