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*Kolfinna's POV*

I woke up the next morning enveloped in Chris' strong arms. He was laying on his back, a partial of my body pulled onto his bare chest. His arms were wrapped securely around my lower back and waist, his face nuzzled in my hair. Today was the day that we were to go to his coven home in Pennsylvania and I was a little nervous. But compared to the leftover feelings from last night, the nervousness was pushed back further into my mind. The only feelings I had right now was the growing love I was gaining for Chris. The way he held me, talked to me, respected me, it made everything feel..right. I smiled at his peaceful sleeping face. I carefully touched his hands and removed them from around my waist, replacing myself with one of the pillows that had ended up on the floor during our entanglement of last night. His eyes shifted in his sleepiness and he tightened his grasp on the pillow, burying his face in the soft cushion. I smiled and leaned over, brushing my lips across his strong jawbone in a kiss. Afterwards I picked up my white silk robe from the bed post and slipped it on, securing it tightly around my waist. I moved quietly across the loft and into the small kitchen, grabbing a glass of the warm red liquid all vampires needed so direly, before heading over to the terrace adjacent to Chris' sleeping form. I tried to slip through the white curtains without letting too much light into the loft, and did so successfully. The sun was just now rising and the square was only occupied by a few artists and homeless characters. I leaned on the railing and just breathed in the smell of the bakery shops and cool Louisiana air. I closed my eyes, only to have them open when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and Chris' lips press against my neck. I tilted my head slightly so he'd have better access.

"You're up early." He spoke, grazing his sharp teeth across my pale flesh. I gasped when I felt his fangs shoot forth and graze my fragile skin. "You worried me when I realized you were no longer next to me." He growled. I felt my eyes flutter shut when he pressed his hands down against my abdomen, hitting the place where my Gspot rests. My knees buckled and I leaned back against his chest, holding onto the railing tightly and dropping my glass to the floor.

"I'm sorry love." I groaned as he moved my hair over with one hand. He nipped my flesh lightly and tenderly pressed his other hand down, causing my body to slightly hitch forward. I could feel him smile on my neck before he lifted me up and carried me back inside. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my head against his chest as he walked back over to the bed. He laid me down and leaned over me, untying my robe. I thought this was about to be a case of Round Two, but he put his hands beneath my back, lifting me up only for him to kiss me gently.

"Are you going to promise not to frighten me like that again?" He asked, not even a hint of aggression in his voice. I still had my arms around him as I looked into his big brown eyes.

"Yes." I whispered. "I promise never to frighten you like that again." He smiled and kissed me again before lying down next to me and pulling me to his chest. I put my hand on his chest, along with my head, as he held my other hand tracing the thirteen on the back of it. We were silent for a while, until he spoke up.

"You're not worried about meeting the coven today, are you?" Chris asked out of the clear blue. I traced small circles on his chest and thought before answering.

"I've technically already met them. But honestly? I'm terrified." I answered, looking into his kind eyes. he pushed my hair back and kissed the tip of my nose.

"They already like you. Everything will be alright, okay? Just trust me. We're going to take your truck and drive there. A nice few day trip, just me and you. Then once we get there it'll be just a peaceful time in the countryside with my family." He said, comfortingly rubbing my back. "I don't want you to worry about anything. I want you to just feel at home." He murmured.

"I will. You're just wanting me to meet your mom and dad. I don't know, it just frightens me a little. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm a freak? I mean, I'm the only one of our kind that's an albino. I should have black locks of hair and brown eyes like yours. Instead I have white hair and steel grey eyes." I mumbled, rolling off of him. He just rolled over with my and straddled my waist, making me look into his eyes.

"They'll love you. You know why? Because I love you. As long as we make each other happy, that's all that should ever matter. And if they don't like you, they'll have to take it up with me." He said sternly, holding my wrists. I couldn't help but smile at him. He was always trying to make me happy.

"Thank you." I whispered, looking up at him. His eyes softened and he relaxed his grip against me.

"For what?" He asked.

"For caring so much about me." I answered, smiling at him. He smiled and kissed me.

"So, are we ready for round two?" He smirked. I giggled a bit and pretended to think before answering him. He waited for me to answer patiently. I nodded and laughed as he growled, bringing his face into my neck as my legs wrapped around his waist. I couldn't have been happier with him.

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