Nine : Petal

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Jungkook restlessly walks back and forth in his room, getting impatient as taehyung didn't come to sleep over to his room since yesterday

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Jungkook restlessly walks back and forth in his room, getting impatient as taehyung didn't come to sleep over to his room since yesterday. Sleeping together is their usual practice.

What irked his mind was his father's words. Him turning the age of twenty two, his father demanded for him to look for a mate, more specifically stated that if his interest is on taehyung (that is obvious to every pack member excluding taehyung) then mark him before some other alpha decides to court the omega as for him to avoid any kind of fights with fellow alphas.

He's afraid that taehyung would reject him, the words of the four year old taehyung still stresses him and moreover taehyung's innocence is no joke.

While his hormones doesn't help him at all whenever he's around the omega, he keeps finding reasons to touch his curvy body and place lingering kisses all over the omega.

Oh how he wishes to kiss those soft petal lips.

Only moon goddess knows how much he's training his inner wolf to remain calm and not dominate over the omega.

Feeling the last string of patience getting broken, he strides towards taehyung's room. Opening the door hastily and flinching the omega momentarily.

"Kookie hyung? You scared me!" The omega whines.

Jungkook sighs out, smiling and walking towards his omega who backs away a bit, fixing his big hoodie properly.

Noticing the sudden discomfort in his omega, jungkook asks, "baby, what is it?"

Taehyung bites his bottom lip, "Huh? Nothing"

"You didn't come to sleep with me yesterday and also not tonight, why?" Jungkook tries not to pout.

"Just felt to s-sleep alone." Taehyung lies, hurting the alpha slightly, just slightly.

"Oh" Jungkook looks down, thinking taehyung started getting uncomfortable in sleeping with him.

"Okay" Jungkook turns around, wanting to leave quickly as he steps back, only to stop at the call.

"Kookie hyungie?" Taehyung pouts, understanding that his kookie is hurt by his words.

Jungkook turns around, smiling softly at the pouted lips of the omega, "Yes petal"

Taehyung looks up at the alpha amusedly, "Petal?"

"Yes, you're my petal" Jungkook steps closer to the omega who's giggling softly at his words, feeling his heart flutter which he didn't understand why.

Cupping his face, jungkook softly whisper against his lips, "So soft like a petal"

Taehyung chuckles ever so gently, looking so beautiful that amuses jungkook everytime on how can someone look this enchanting.

Suddenly a frown takes over the pretty face of taehyung, making jungkook sigh and ask, "What is it baby? You know you can tell me anything."

"Yes, i know but its e-embarrassing and weird." Taehyung stutters and turns around, facing the mirror.

Jungkook frowns but nevertheless looks into the mirror at taehyung who hugs on his tummy, the loose shirt now clutching tight on his chest to reveal the swell up breast.

"My chest is s-swelling up" The omega whines sadly.

The alpha's breath hitches, eyes stuck on the curvy swells of taehyung, the puckering nipples that challenges him to touch. His alpha wolf arousing at the tempting sight.

"Its weird" Taehyung's voice makes the alpha drop his hand back which threatened to raise and touch those swells.

"Why is it so?" His voice deep and husky as he leans forward, letting the omega rest his back on his hard chest.

"Just feels...heavy" The omega bashfully says, cheeks heated up in red.

A smug takes over the alpha who breaks all his self control and gropes on the two swells with his veiny hands. Taehyung gasps slightly and chews on his lower lip, shivering at the tingling sensation running through his body.

"You didn't wanted to cuddle because of this." Jungkook asks, sensually nibbling on taehyung's earlobes while hands now swiftly slips under his hoodie, eyes rolling back in pleasure to feel the soft swelled flesh.

Slowly giving a squeeze and hearing a breathy gasp from taehyung, a satisfaction runs within the alpha as he dares to continue and knead on the swells lusciously.

"Mhm~" Taehyung responds to his earlier words while eyes instinctively closes and throws his head back to the alpha's shoulder who now runs his thumb on his hardened nipples.

A smirk forms jungkook's lips as he looks straight at taehyung's messed up appearance through the mirror, the beads of sweats covering his forehead and the disheveled hair of taehyung giving a sense of pride within the alpha as he says, "Its time for you to wear something new love"

"Ngh~ kookie~" Taehyung moans his name when the alpha squeezes his swells, giving him a tickling vibration.

Jungkook's eyes turn red upon hearing the sensual moan, his breath gets heavy as he buries his face to the omega's neck, fangs protruding out of his gums.

And in an instant he pushes the omega away, panting as he struggles to control his wolf which was ready to mark the omega while taehyung confusedly gazes back at the alpha, fixing his sweatshirt and worriedly looking at jungkook.

Jungkook looks up at the omega, smiling softly at his puzzled look. He leans closer to him, kissing his temple and cheeks.

"I'll let noona know you need help, hm?" The alpha says lowly.

"I don't u-understand" Taehyung petted his lips adorably.

Jungkook only smiles at his innocent omega and pats his head, "I'll wait for you at my room, come fast yeah?"

Taehyung nods, smiling shyly yet confusedly.


*ahem* 😗

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