One : Azure

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"Say ah"

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"Say ah"

The four year old boy giggles, opening his mouth wide while letting out a big 'ahh'.

The omega chuckles at his cuteness and feeds him the last spoon of rice.

"Now jungkookie will drink his milk... hmm~" She pauses, getting playful upon seeing the adorable boy squealing in delight, "Oh no jungkookie's milk is stolen" 

"Aniyooo~~" The little one whines out loudly, lips protruding in a big pout with his bambi eyes sparkling like a puppy.

Yoona giggles, "okay, i'll give your milk  but you have to give me a kissy instead"

The boy smiles bashfully, hands flying up to cover his flushed cheeks as he chuckles softly and places a small kiss on her cheeks, quite shyly.

" cutie" She pulls the boy, kissing his cheeks several times which makes the alpha boy whine in shyness.

"Fine, let me bring your milk" She utters and slowly stood up, one hand grasped on her pregnant belly while the other in her hip.

She slightly grunts while walking, finding it difficult than usual as she's in her last month of pregnancy.

"Fasth fasth...eemo" The boy encourages which makes the beautiful lady laugh.

She grabs the glass of milk kept at the table and the boy instantly rushes to her, taking it from her hand and gulping it down full.

The omega chuckles at the boy, face suddenly twisting in pain as she massages her pregnant belly.

"Ish eemo in pwain?" The boy asks, eyes concerned for his aunt.

The alpha kid was given the utmost care from his eemo. She never once made him feel that he doesn't have a mother, though the little boy was told about her mother. She was there to shower him with all love.

When jungkook was nearly two years old, he once addressed yoona as eomma which made her all tear up. It was enough for her to know that she was keeping the promise to her late friend.

She corrected the boy, saying to call her eemo---his aunt because she didn't wanted the little boy to build up a image of her as a eomma. His mother who loved him unconditionally deserved to be rightfully called eomma by his son.

"Ah no baby, come here" She chuckles, heart warmed, knowing the boy sensed her slight pain.

"Ish the baby trwoubling ywou?" Jungkook asks again, brows furrowing cutely.

Yoona giggles, "No baby"

The boy turns, his small hands reaching to cup his eemo's cheeks, "Rweally?"

She chuckles at his big doe eyes,
"Yes really--ah"

Her voice cut off with a yelp, she holds her stomach tightly, her breathings getting heavy as she tries relax herself for a moment.

In the next moment, a scream broke out from her mouth, hands fisting on the fabric tightly as she fell back to the floor, feeling harsh pains in her abdomen.

"Ahh~AGRH~" Her screams startles the small boy.

"Eemo~" The frightened boy calls out, little hands trying to hold his eemo while eyes pooling up with tears.

Her desperate eyes gaze at the boy, feeling terrible to see the fear in the boy's eyes.

"Jungkoo--ah...c-call your...u-uncle"

The boy nods frantically and runs out of the room for calling someone for help, luckily stumbling with yoona's mate.


Happiness flows through the air as every familiar members of pack surrounds the omega lady, watching her new born son with fond eyes.

The omega received the blessings and congratulations for giving birth to a beautiful omega boy.

"Seong?" The omega tiredly calls her mate who hums, busy in admiring his pretty son, his tiny eyes were something that no one can avert his gaze away.

"Where's jungkook?" She asks worriedly.

"Oh, he's with his noona, don't worry" The beta replies with a gentle smile as her mate is always worried for the alpha boy.

"Thats a relief... I must have tensed his little mind a lot." She pouts.

"Yoona don't worry, jeon said he's fine." The beta informs and chuckles at her while she just hums it away.

Well the little jungkook was not as fine as to be said. His tiny mind was tangled with confused thoughts.

"Noona?" Jungkook calls for his sister who's five years older than her.

"Yes jungkookie" The nine year old girl replies blankly, busy to tie her blond hair.

"Eemo has a baby now?" Jungkook's voice was so faint and low.

"Yes" She replies while doing braids to her hair.

The little boy looks down with a pout,
"Will eemo not play with me anymore?"

"I don't know, she has her baby to look after now. She might get busy to play with you." She honestly replies but soon regrets when she sees her little brother's lips wobbling and eyes tearing up.

"Don't worry, i'll play with you instead" She tries to cheer him up.

"But i wanna plway w-with eemo" Jungkook snivels.

He's so fond of his eemo, more than anyone even his father who spends quality time with him. But his eemo is the one from whom he gets the motherly love. Its always special.

"Okay, you can ask eemo about it then, don't you wanna see her little pup?" She excitedly asks.

"No!" He yells, face turning angered, jealousy for the newborn building inside him.

"Fine, i'm going" She says and stomps out of the room, leaving a pouting jungkook behind.

He wants to meet his eemo too so he ends up following his noona, determined to not even look at the pup who stole his eemo.

Upon reaching near the room, the little boy was hit with the luscious scent of sweet berries and creamy vanilla, entering all his senses, awakening something feral within him.

It was so calming and soothing.

His little feets enter the room, eyes instantly peeking at the small baby who's having a wide smile at his father, trashing his tiny arms happily at his father who laughs at his son's cuteness.

Little jungkook walks closer to the newborn, watching him closely while not even realising he's being called by his eemo who's bewildered at his change of behavior.

The boy's woodsy sweet scent of cedarwood was suddenly dominating the air, befuddling the mates and his nine year old sister.

The gaze of the enticing azure eyes of the newborn baby somehow falls onto the four year old boy who's heart fills up with gentle warmness.

---Not realising that his eyes for the first time glows the crimson red shade of his alpha wolf which was now dominating over his human self.


Eemo means 'aunt' in korean, thats what google said to me! Apologies if it's wrong 😅💙

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