Ten : Heavenly

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Jungkook sits beside his fellow friends, laughing and talking about random things joyously

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Jungkook sits beside his fellow friends, laughing and talking about random things joyously. The sun was shining its rays brightly to grace the noon.

"Isn't that lee?" The alpha suddenly hears one of his friend, Hoseok say while pointing at the said person named Lee.

"Oh i heard him say he wants to court an omega...looks like its taehyung" Minho, a beta speaks which alerts jungkook's senses.

He instantly gazes at the mentioned direction, finding his omega playing with little pups while unaware of the approaching alpha named lee.

His eyes blazes red in shade as someone is trying to court his omega.

"Relax jungkook, maybe he doesn't know taehyung is your chosen mate." Hoseok pats on his shoulder.

Almost every alphas and betas knew taehyung as jungkook's omega, their next luna and so no one dared to make a move on the beautiful omega.

"How would he unless you mark him?" Minho comments.

All this while, jungkook just remained still, eyes glaring at the alpha who now gained taehyung's attention.

"But taehyung says you're his hyung?" One of his friend taunts, soon gulping when the dominant red eyes were darted at him, warning to keep his mouth shut.

"Well don't worry, taehyung won't accept his courting gifts" Hoseok tries to comfort his friend which did nothing to jungkook's raging mind.

"Well seems like he did" Minho says, making jungkook to look back at his omega.

Jaw clenching and eyes smoldering crimson red as he watch his omega taking the bouquet of flowers offered to him as a courting gift by the alpha, obviously he knows taehyung isn't aware of it but still it enraged the alpha wolf within him.

"Why would he-- jungkook didn't you confess to him?" Hoseok whispers to him, voice filled with concern.

"It doesn't really matter, Taehyung is mine" His loud voice held the authority to induce submission on the werewolf's around him who casted their head down.

He strides towards his omega who's smiling softly while inhaling the fresh floral scent of the flowers. The alpha standing next to him had a gentle smile while watching the pretty omega, appreciating his beautiful facial features in his mind.

The sight infuriated jungkook to the very core.

"Kookie!" The eighteen year old boy squeals, bouncing a little on his feets as he smiles widely at him, "look pretty flowe--"

The omega couldn't complete as jungkook gripped on his wrist firmly as soon as he reached him. His red eyes glaring intensely at the alpha who bows down his head in submission.

"Koo..." Taehyung whines as he wriggles in the tight hold around his wrist.

Averting his gaze back at the omega, jungkook drags him away from the view of several eyes which watched the drama interestingly.

Ignoring all the whines coming out from taehyung, jungkook drags him to the corridors, instantly slamming the petite body of the omega against the pillar who shrieks in startle.

Hesitantly raising his head, taehyung stares at the red eyes fixed on him in awe. He always loved those eyes which he calls beautiful rather than intimidating-- which is what others state.

Jungkook glares down at taehyung's hand which holds the bouquet weakly and the next second it was yanked away by the alpha who caged taehyung within his strong arms.

Taehyung puckers his lips, face saddening as he whines, "kookie, the flowe--"

His words broke as his soft lips were captured by the alpha into a fierce kiss. Taehyung's eyes grew wide open, stunned by the action and on instinct his hands were placed on the alpha's chest who cups his face, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.

Melting into the gentle pleasure, taehyung lets his omega side take the superiority as he slowly starts to respond to the alpha's kiss.

At his gentle response, jungkook relaxes and moved his lips delicately against the omega's plump ones.

A hum of pleasure left from the omega when the alpha gently chewed on his bottom lip. Jungkook smiles in the kiss as he tasted the flavour of a candy like blend with hint of strawberries in his petal like lips.

It was heavenly.

Jungkook always dreamed of kissing his omega, but never imagined it to be this blissful and ecstatic.

Both of them sharing the bliss of experiencing their first ever kiss.

Jungkook realised he could kiss the omega forever as he wants but right upon sensing the need for taehyung to breath he parts his lips, pecking for a last time.

Taehyung clings on the alpha dearly, their pants mingling while the omega's hooded eyes gaze at jungkook as he calls,

"Yes petal" His whisper was so delicate for his omega.

"You kissed my l-lips!?" Taehyung's voice hinted with amusement.

"Yes baby, i d-did" He stuttered nervously.

"But w-we shouldn't, right?" The omega speaks, filling jungkook's mind with dread.

He regrets to let his possessiveness take over him as now his omega is upset, may probably reject him.

"Kissing on l-lips is done among the m-mates, no?" Taehyung embarrassingly asks, unsure if he's right or wrong.

He has only seen mates kissing each other on lips, he concluded it is a practice made between only mates.

Jungkook tenses, shaking his head, he decides to cover it up, "N-no...its.. Uh...its normal among us too."

"It is?" Taehyung gapes and gets a hesitant nod from the alpha.

The omega looks down bashfully, "I didn't know"

He giggles thinking he's so naive to not know such things, "Good that you told me"

A sigh of relief leaves jungkook's lips who soon let out a chuckle at his innocent omega.

"Then we should've kissed before, it felt nice" Taehyung causally mumbles, running his hands over the alpha's chest smoothly.

Jungkook looks at him in stun, "It felt nice?"

"Uh huh" Taehyung nods, smiling shyly.

The alpha smirks, "Want me to kiss again?"

Taehyung gives a tiny nod but soon shakes his head frantically, "No!"

"You ruined the pretty flowers" He pouts while pointing at the fallen gardenia flowers.

Jungkook steps back with a loud huff,
"Petal, don't take those"

"Why? Those smelled so nice and they were beautiful" Taehyung grumbles, he has a special fondness towards flowers and chocolates.

Jungkook snorts, "I'll bring you much better ones, okay?"

Taehyung still looks unsure, "Promise?"

Jungkook lets out a gentle sigh, leaning closer and pecking his omega's soft lips, "Promise"

Taehyung bites his own lips, feeling a tingling sensation spreading through his body while cheeks naturally tint red which gives a proud satisfaction to jungkook.

The alpha's gaze drops on the crushed flowers, clenching his jaw as he calls,

The omega raise his shy gaze at jungkook, feeling strange to hear his full name by the alpha as he's only used to hear pretty pet names.

"Don't ever accept the gifts given by other alphas or betas, understand?" Jungkook's stern voice pierce to the omega who obediently nods.



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