Eight : Soft

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Turning the mating age, jungkook found a lot of differences in himself

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Turning the mating age, jungkook found a lot of differences in himself. Growing more possesive and aggressive, his dominant aura was radiating like suffocating smoke for the submissive omegas. Addition to everything, going on his first rut.

He found himself jerking off numerous times while thinking of his omega whom he longs to claim. He was totally craving for touching his omega in ways he never imagined he could think of.

His friends repeatedly asked him if they should bring some wanton for helping him to go through the rut pain. But he was clearly not ready for it!

He belonged to his omega. He wouldn't dare to give in to some other person, rather he'd take the pain gladly.

After his rut, he spend many days cuddling with taehyung, wanting to bath in his natural luscious scent of sweet berries and creamy vanilla.

All these while of spending time with taehyung, what he realised was the curvy body of taehyung. The way his chest was no longer flat and was slightly getting bigger, made him know taehyung's body was undergoing the natural changes of an omega.

And this forced him to add more strength to his self control.

"Kookie hyung?"

Jungkook hummed softly while his hands were smoothly caressing taehyung's thigh, loving the soft skin against his palm.

They were cuddling in the couch with taehyung seated on the alpha's lap, wearing shorts and one of jungkook's hoodie which reached upto his thighs but was lifted up by the alpha to caress it lovingly.

"What is fuck?"

Jungkook chokes on his saliva, coughing in complete shock which makes taehyung to gaze back at him worriedly.

"What? Kookie, are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah... Baby what did you---" Jungkook pauses, sighing.

"You don't say that word, okay?" He softly chides.

Taehyung pouts, "Why? is it bad?"

"Yes, its like... you heard of the word bitch right? Its something like that" Jungkook calmly explains.

Taehyung gapes, eyes growing wide,
"Its a curse word!?"

Jungkook chuckles at innocence, pecking his bread cheeks which sometimes gives him urge to bite on the soft skin.

While taehyung's mind was puzzled up,
"Then why did jiyoon noona say... uhm...to kyung hyung that...f-fuck me"

"Baby!" Jungkook hisses, tone having a warn, "Don't say that, okay?"

Taehyung pouts and buries his face on the alpha's neck, nuzzling onto the warm and comforting woodsy sweet scent of cedarwood.

Jungkook sighs out gently, closing his eyes and calming his emerging hormones which always yells to mate with the omega.

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