Six : Lilies

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Years passed, taking away the mournful pain of losing the dear ones---though it was deep seated in their pure hearts

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Years passed, taking away the mournful pain of losing the dear ones---though it was deep seated in their pure hearts.

Taehyung grew up to be a beautiful omega, his azure-blue eyes held the striking deepness of ocean while his alluring creamy vanilla scent was lusciously pleasing. His charm was attracted by every alpha who were ready to chose him as his mate when he attains the mating age ie., twenty.

While jungkook turned more muscular and buffy, growing up the strength of the most powerful alpha in the pack after his father. His dark eyes which turn blazing scarlet when dominant, his sharp jawline and the deep intimidating voice was just a decoration to his handsomeness.

"Kookiee hyungie~"

The soft melodic voice of the fourteen year old omega echoed the pack training area, gaining every alphas attention.

Jungkook turns around, smiling widely upon seeing the beautiful omega running towards him with pretty lily flowers in his hands while his head is adorned by a flower crown, matching his soft brunette hair which bounces smoothly.

He strides forward, gently holding the omega's hand who is catching his breath after his excited run.

"Taebaby?" The brunette looks up at the alpha, grinning and extending the flowers to his hyung.

The eighteen year old alpha chuckles and gladly takes hold on the delicate flowers.

"You came here to give me these flowers?"

"Yes, didn't you like it?" Taehyung puckers his soft pink lips, momentarily dazing the alpha for a moment.

"I loved it baby" Jungkook responds with a soft pat on the omega's head.

"Oh" Taehyung giggles and quickly takes hold on the flower crown on his head and placed it on jungkook's head who freezes for a moment at the action.

"Ah... Kookie hyung looks shoo cute" Taehyung claps his hand, giggling brightly which brings a pretty smile on jungkook's face.

"Wanted to see you in this" The omega mumbles and jungkook decides to never take off the flower crown.

Softly brushing his hand on the flower crown adorned on his head, jungkook asks, "Looks good?"

"Pretty" Taehyung grins, melting his heart.

Jungkook chuckles and glance away from taehyung for a moment, now finally realising the eyes on them.

Not them---but at taehyung.

It boiled his blood in fury to know the lustful stares taehyung received from the training alphas, moreover taehyung was wearing shorts and a loose hoodie of jungkook, revealing his smooth tan legs.

The alpha grips on the omega's wrist,

Dragging him out of the training ground, jungkook retreats his hand making taehyung pout and rub his wrist upon the tight grip.

"I told you several times to not come into the training area?" Jungkook's voice was louder which was startling for the omega who cowers in submission.

"I w-wanted to see you" Taehyung sniffles, eyes brimmed up with tears making jungkook regret on raising his voice at the omega.

The alpha immediately pulled the omega to his embrace, releasing calming pheromones for the omega which taehyung loves and makes him bury his face to the alpha's neck.

"Baby, you could've linked me" Jungkook mumbles lowly, patting taehyung's back gently.

"Sorry" Taehyung's soft whisper makes jungkook chuckle softly and place a kiss on the omega's head.

Pulling off the hug, jungkook leans forward to kiss taehyung's forehead, knowing it always makes the omega giggle and it did.

"Go back to the pack house, i'll be there in a minute, okay?" Jungkook gently tucks the brunette locks back to his ear.

"O-okay" The omega replies bashfully, cheeks flushed.

"I'll wait for you" Taehyung says as he pecks the alpha's cheek and strides back to the pack house.

Thats the day, jungkook realised the reason behind the wild thudding of his heart whenever he's with taehyung.

---He loves taehyung with the realisation of his pureblood wolf considering the omega as his chosen mate.



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