Twenty one : Bold

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A loud thudding sound was heard, followed by a painful cry of the teenage girl who tumbled down to the rough ground by the harsh push she received

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A loud thudding sound was heard, followed by a painful cry of the teenage girl who tumbled down to the rough ground by the harsh push she received.

Her cries were enjoyable to the three girls who were laughing out loud, their evil cacklings making the poor girl cower in fright.

"p-please...l-leave m-me alone" Her weak voice of pain ceasing the laughs of the three girls, one beta and two alpha.

"Yah! you still have voice to speak huh" The alpha girl seethes and bends down to give a harsh slap to the crying omega girl.

"Ah!" The omega yelps in pain, holding her cheek and sobbing at the torture from her bullies.

The reason was always the same and common---jealousy.

"Oh, so the slut was out here to buy some fruits... Or just came to seduce the alphas hm?" The beta girl humiliates the omega.

"Of course she will, what do you expect more from these omegas?" The alpha girl enjoys laughing at the poor girl.

"please don't say lik--ah" The omega's works broke into a yelp when the alpha girl pulls her up by her soft blonde hair.

"Looks like she still needs more beatings to shut her mouth" The alpha girl hisses while tugging the omega's hair who cries out in pain.

She pushes the omega to the beta who immediately holds her tightly while smirking proudly.

"Hold her tight, lemme teach her how to shut the pathetic mouth of her's" The alpha girl demands to the other two who does exactly the same.

"No please... w-what did i ever d-do to yo--AH!" The omega screams as a harsh slap was placed on her rosy cheeks, stained with tears.

"You are a omega... A slut who seduces and attracts every alpha" The alpha girl shouts at her face.

She raises her hand to give another smack to the sobbing omega, "You deserve nothing bitc--"

The omega closing her eyes shut, expecting the pain which didn't came instead got to hear a loud yelp from the alpha girl.

The hands which held her painfully tight loosens immediately as the beta and alpha girl kneels down to the ground, head bowed down in complete fear and panic.

The omega slightly gasps when she witness the scene in front of her eyes.

The wrist of the whimpering alpha girl was twisted around roughly by the most beautiful omega of the eclipse pack---their luna himself.

"Luna!" The bruised omega falls on her knees, showing her respect by bowing her head completely.

"What did you say? Hm?" Taehyung grits his teeth as he gives a harsh twist to the teenager's hand who screams loudly in pain.

"Omega deserves nothing huh" He repeats her words, rolling her hands back and hearing a crack sound along with a loud agonizing scream from the alpha girl.

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