Seven : Rage

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Heart wrenching sobs filled the air, but didn't reach the omegas who were ignorantly laughing at the short boy who's cries never ceased

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Heart wrenching sobs filled the air, but didn't reach the omegas who were ignorantly laughing at the short boy who's cries never ceased.

"Please... Give i-it b-back... p-please" Taehyung hiccups between his sobs.

Thick tears rolling down to his reddened cheeks, his beautiful ocean eyes having a blurry vision as he desperately tries to reach for his sapphire pendant which the omega girl waves up in air, mocking the male omega.

While the other three girls laugh out loud at the boy's desperate tries to get his pendant back.

"Come on, come on... Grab it" The girl taunts, throwing the pendant to the other girl who swiftly catches it and wriggles it in her hand while mockingly gazing at taehyung.

Taehyung cries, reaching for his precious pendant which is the blessing of his mother. He stumbles while striding back and forth to grab the pendant which is thrown among the omega girls who are circled around him.

The fourteen year old boy tumbles down to the ground when one of the girl pushes him harshly, his knee bleeding as it hit hard on the stony ground.

" h-hurts" Taehyung gasps, sobbing hard.

"Aw...the omega for whom every alpha dies for is crying for a pathetic pendant?" The omega mocks.

Taehyung whimpers in pain when the omega girl smacks his head while cursing, "pathetic slut...wanting to lure every alphas attention."

Their shrill laughs echoes the ground.

"Ah!" Taehyung shrieks when he was forcefully made to stand by tugging on his soft hairs.

"How about ruining your face that draws every alphas attention?" The omega smirks and eyes at her friend who nods instantly and runs to fetch the bowl of black paint.

"No...p-please" Taehyung silently begs, eyes searching for his pendant.

"Grip him tight" The girl orders her friends who does it instantly, holding taehyung tightly that made the fragile boy to whimper in pain.

She dips her hand on the black liquid, smiling smugly and reaching up to damp it on the boy's beautiful face which she envies.


She instantly falls on her knees, shrieking at the shrill alpha voice. Everyone including taehyung tumbles down on the ground, kneeling in submission.

Jungkook's approaches them with his smoldering ruby eyes boring at the omega girls who dared to hurt his omega.

"k-koo--" Taehyung's faint voice reaches the alpha.

His blazing red eyes which glare at the omega girls immediately softens upon gazing at taehyung.

"Tae!" He runs towards the omega, embracing his shaking body.

"h-hurts" Taehyung sobs against his chest.

"its okay baby...i'm here...its alright" Jungkook's softened voice relaxing taehyung slightly, soon everything turning black as he faints in the alpha's arms.

Jungkook's eyes burn up red, every part of him blazing in rage as he shots his menacing glare at the omega girls who's heads are instantly lowered down in submission.

"If i don't see anyone of you in the pack office in next ten minutes, you'll not be receiving just a punishment...but instead death"

His dominant alpha voice nearly makes the girls pass out in pain, nevertheless they manages to nod their head through their shuddering body. "y-yes a-alpha"

He's the next alpha of the pack, he hold the authority to punish the members.

Jungkook shots one glare at the girls and picks taehyung in his arms, leaving the place, not before taking the pendant.


"Koo~" Taehyung's sleepy voice reaches jungkook's ears as he hastily reaches for him, sitting beside the bed where his omega is laying comfortably.

Taehyung's lips naturally puckers, trying to sit up which jungkook helps him to.

"Baby, you alright?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "Tired"

Jungkook chuckles, gently holding his hands while mumbling, "its okay... take some rest"

Taehyung stretches his lips into a small smile, soon his eyes grows wide as he squeaks, " pendant"

"Baby relax, its here" Jungkook held out the pendant from his pocket and placed it on his soft palm.

"See, you now have it...don't worry" Jungkook strokes his cheeks softly while taehyung pouts, "I was scared"

Jungkook purses his lips, fist clenching as he controls his eyes from tinting the redness of his rage. He definitely punished the omega girls by suspending them from attending the school and cleaning the pack house and ground for three weeks, still he wasn't satisfied.

The punishment seemed very less everytime he witness the tears coursing down from his omega's eyes.

Taehyung hiccups, "I don't wanna go b-back there"

Jungkook closes his eyes for a moment and then pulls the omega to his chest, placing soft kisses on his neck and releasing the calming pheromones of his alpha scent.

"No one b-befriends m-me, t-they hurt m-me koo--" Taehyung sobs, fisting his shirt firmly.

"Sh sh...they d-don't deserve to be your friends baby" Jungkook rubs his hand through his back comfortably.

"Everyone has f-friends, but its just me" Taehyung sniffs, straining himself to stop from crying.

"You have jimin, baby" Jungkook tries to console his distressed omega.

Taehyung pulls away from the hug, sulking, "He's a human, he doesn't know anything about wolfies."

Jungkook sighs, wiping the stained tears on his cheeks while taehyung whines,
"I want a omega share and know about things"

Jungkook chuckles, though he agress taehyung knows nothing about the omega things, clearly nothing.

He doesn't have a mother who would tell him about such private things properly and not even any omega friends for even getting a slightest hint.

What to say more, he doesn't even know that there exist a thing called heat.

"Its alright, pretend i'm a omega" Jungkook teases.

"Koo~~" Taehyung whines loudly, hitting the alpha's arm lightly.

Jungkook chuckles and pulls the omega closer in one swift move, placing a long kiss on his rosy cheek and mumbling,
"I love you baby"

Taehyung bites his lips, cheeks flushed up as he whispers, "I love you too kookie hyung"

"Wanna sleep?" Jungkook asks, eyes slightly shifting to the plump lips of the omega which tempts him with curiosity of knowing how would it feel to be kissed.

Taehyung puckers his lips, nodding his head as he say, "yes, tired"

Jungkook chuckles and lays beside him,

The alpha pulls him to his chest, cuddling tight as they normally sleep together every night.


Okay so do check if you skip any chapters or not, bcz i'll be updating two or more chapters a day! 🌈💖🌸

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