Seventeen : Garden

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Taehyung was restless for the whole week for three main reasons

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Taehyung was restless for the whole week for three main reasons.

First he wasn't feeling comfortable with his chosen mate. The alpha would stick around him all time, requesting for kisses and touching him everytime he gets chance. The poor omega would only let him place kisses on his cheeks and try to excuse himself all time.

It was irking lee to the core, but he has to stay calm with the omega as he's extremely adored by the pack alpha. If anything goes wrong from his side, he knows the punishment wouldn't settle less than death.

Second reason, his kookie hyung left the pack a week ago for battling against the crimson pack without even informing him or meeting him before leaving. He missed the alpha so much that even gulping down a drop of water was found difficult for him in sorrow.

Third was the extreme concern and worry for his kookie hyung. Their pack is being having a fight with crimson pack--the pack which murdered his parents. He is just praying for jungkook's safety as he can't bear to lose him too.

Jungkook obviously chose to distract himself from the grief and turn it into his rage to take vengeance against the crimson pack which he had since the age of fourteen.

He will make them pay for his eemo's death.

Taehyung's twentieth birthday was only a day after. Like every year, the pack alpha would celebrate his birthday with a grand feast, more like a festival for the whole pack, just like he does for his daughter and son.

The omega was nervous upon thinking that jungkook would attend his birthday or not. Probably not, as he would be tired and moreover won't be reaching the pack at time. Above all, he just wishes his kookie hyung to come back home safely.

The brunette was now seated on the large formal garden, finding comfort the fragrance of roses which hung around the arch beautifully. He was sitting on the wooden platform, staring at the swaying leaves and sweet flowers blankly.

The giggles and squeals of the little kids were filled in the whole air of the garden which made him sigh as he too wished to be happy like them.

But despite of having a mate who gave him words that he'd make him happy-- why wasn't he feeling that?!

He concluded he wasn't happy with lee hyung.

Obviously not with his uncomfortable touches and pungent alpha scent which tries to dominate him.

Oh how much he wanted to nuzzle into the calming woodsy scent of his kookie hyung.

He realised he was always happy with his kookie hyung---because jungkook always made sure of it.

Everything was normal before he chose a mate for himself.

His ears suddenly perk up at the adorable conversation of the two kids.

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